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Created October 15, 2018 03:30
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(ns benchmark.sync
(:refer-clojure :exclude [sync])
(:import [com.mongodb.client MongoClients]
[com.mongodb.client MongoClient]
[com.mongodb.client MongoCollection]
[com.mongodb.client MongoDatabase]
[org.bson Document]
[com.mongodb Block ConnectionString MongoClientSettings ServerAddress]
[com.mongodb.connection ClusterSettings ConnectionPoolSettings]
[java.util.concurrent CyclicBarrier CountDownLatch]))
(def mongo-client (MongoClients/create
(-> (MongoClientSettings/builder)
(apply [this x]
(-> x
(.hosts [(ServerAddress. "" 27017)])))))
(apply [this x]
(-> x
(.maxSize 100)
(.minSize 0)
(.maxWaitQueueSize 10000)))))
(def all-run-times 10000)
(def threads 40)
(def run-times (/ all-run-times threads))
(def test-db "test-db")
(def test-class "test-class")
(def default-blockcb (reify
(apply [this s])))
(defn drop-all
(let [db-collection (-> (.getDatabase mongo-client test-db)
(.getCollection test-class))]
(println "start drop data.")
(.drop db-collection)))
(defn sync-query
(let [db-client (.getDatabase mongo-client test-db)
query (Document. {"name" "_User"})
start (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(dotimes [_ run-times]
(-> db-client
(.getCollection "_Class")
(.find query)
(.forEach default-blockcb)))
(println (format "sync query %s times user %s ms" run-times (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start)))))
(defn sync-insert
[id cdl]
(let [db-client (.getDatabase mongo-client test-db)
start (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(dotimes [i run-times]
(-> db-client
(.getCollection test-class)
(.insertOne (Document. {"name" (str (rand-int 10000))
"_id" (str (+ i id))}))))
(.countDown cdl)
(println (format "id: %s sync insert %s times user %s ms" id run-times (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start)))))
(defn sync
(let [barrier (CyclicBarrier. threads)
cdl (CountDownLatch. threads)]
(dotimes [i threads]
(future (do
(.await barrier)
(sync-insert (* i run-times) cdl))))
(.await cdl)
(println "finsh.")))
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