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Created January 11, 2021 15:19
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Loads Pupil Mobile IMu data into a pandas dataframe
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
G = 9.78033
IMU_TYPE = np.dtype([
("time_s", "<f8"),
*((f"accel_{d}", "<f4") for d in "xyz"),
*((f"gyro_{d}", "<f4") for d in "xyz")
def load_imu(imu_path):
return np.fromfile(imu_path, IMU_TYPE)
def load_imu_df(imu_path):
imu = load_imu(imu_path)
imu["time_s"] -= imu["time_s"][0]
df = pd.DataFrame(imu, columns=imu.dtype.names)
df["time_s"] = pd.to_datetime(df["time_s"], unit="s")
acc = df[[f"accel_{d}" for d in "xyz"]]
energy = np.linalg.norm(acc, axis=1) - G
df.insert(len(df.columns), "energy", energy)
return df
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