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Last active December 3, 2021 15:55
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CheckOrganisationScope: using middleware to check that API responses are scoped by organisation ID


This gist is associated with the blog post "Building safe-by-default tools in our Go web application".

It contains the goa middleware that we use to ensure our queries are correctly scoped by organisation.

package mw
import (
goa ""
// CheckOrganisationScope generates errors whenever we return resources that don't belong
// to the organisation associated with the API request scope.
// It assumes our responses are struct pointers with a field that is either:
// - A pointer to a struct which should have an OrganisationID field
// - A pointer to a slice of pointers to structs which should have an OrganisationID field
func CheckOrganisationScope(db *db.Postgres) func(goa.Endpoint) goa.Endpoint {
return func(e goa.Endpoint) goa.Endpoint {
return goa.Endpoint(func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
res, err := e(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return res, err
if res == nil {
return res, err // There is nothing to check!
// If we don't have an org, we're an unauthenticated request, so running this
// middleware doesn't make sense.
id, _, _ := GetIdentity(ctx)
if id.OrganisationID == "" {
return res, err
if err := CheckOrganisationScopeResponse(id.OrganisationID, res); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err, map[string]interface{}{
"event": "check_organisation_scope_violation",
"endpoint_service": ctx.Value(goa.ServiceKey).(string),
"endpoint_method": ctx.Value(goa.MethodKey).(string),
return res, err
func CheckOrganisationScopeResponse(orgID string, res interface{}) error {
val := reflect.ValueOf(res).Elem()
if !val.IsValid() || val.IsZero() {
return nil // there is nothing to check!
for idx := 0; idx < val.NumField(); idx++ {
fieldVal := val.Field(idx)
// If we're wrapped in an interface, unpack it to get the real pointer type.
if fieldVal.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
fieldVal = fieldVal.Elem()
switch fieldVal.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
for elemIdx := 0; elemIdx < fieldVal.Len(); elemIdx++ {
if err := checkOrganisationScope(orgID, fieldVal.Index(elemIdx)); err != nil {
return err
case reflect.Ptr:
return checkOrganisationScope(orgID, fieldVal)
return nil
var ErrCheckOrganisationScopeMissingID = errors.New("this response does not have any organisation ID")
type ErrCheckOrganisationScopeIncorrectID struct {
ExpectedOrganisationID string
ResourceOrganisationID string
func (e ErrCheckOrganisationScopeIncorrectID) Error() string {
return "response includes data for an organisation outside of this API scope"
// checkOrganisationScope ensures a val, which is expected to be a pointer to a struct,
// has a valid OrganisationID field.
func checkOrganisationScope(orgID string, val reflect.Value) error {
if val.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil
organisationField := val.Elem().FieldByName("OrganisationID")
if !organisationField.IsValid() || organisationField.IsZero() {
return ErrCheckOrganisationScopeMissingID
if resourceOrgID := organisationField.Interface().(string); resourceOrgID != orgID {
return ErrCheckOrganisationScopeIncorrectID{
ExpectedOrganisationID: orgID,
ResourceOrganisationID: resourceOrgID,
return nil
package mw_test
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("CheckOrganisationScopeResponse", func() {
var (
org domain.Organisation
BeforeEach(func() {
MustCreate(ctx, tx, &org, Build(domain.OrganisationFactory))
type envelope struct {
Envelope interface{}
type resWithOrg struct {
ID string
OrganisationID string
type resWithoutOrg struct {
ID string
check := func(res interface{}) error {
return mw.CheckOrganisationScopeResponse(org.ID, res)
Context("when singular response matches organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: &resWithOrg{
ID: "my-id",
OrganisationID: org.ID,
Context("when singular response has different organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: &resWithOrg{
ID: "my-id",
OrganisationID: "different-org-id",
ExpectedOrganisationID: org.ID,
ResourceOrganisationID: "different-org-id",
Context("when singular response has no organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: &resWithoutOrg{
ID: "my-id",
Context("when slice response matches organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: []*resWithOrg{
ID: "my-id",
OrganisationID: org.ID,
Context("when slice response has different organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: []*resWithOrg{
ID: "my-id",
OrganisationID: "different-org-id",
ExpectedOrganisationID: org.ID,
ResourceOrganisationID: "different-org-id",
Context("when singular response has no organisation", func() {
It("returns no error", func() {
err := check(&envelope{
Envelope: []*resWithoutOrg{
ID: "my-id",
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