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Last active September 8, 2023 08:04
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Debounced celery task in python
def debounced_wrap(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
key = kwargs.pop("key") # it's required
call_count = kwargs.pop("call_count", 1)
count = cache.get(key, 1)
if count > call_count:
# someone called the function again before the this was executed
return None
# I'm the last call
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def debounced_task(key_generator):
:param func: must be the @debounced_wrap decorated with @task / @shared_task from celery
:param key_generator: function that knows how to generate a key from
args and kwargs passed to func or a constant str used in the cache
key will be prepended with function module and name
:return: function that calls apply_async on the task keep that in mind when send the arguments
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(**kwargs):
func_args = kwargs.get("args", [])
func_kwargs = kwargs.get("kwargs", {})
key = "{}.{}.{}".format(
key_generator(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
cache.add(key, 0)
call_count = cache.incr(key)
'key': key,
'call_count': call_count
kwargs['args'] = func_args
kwargs['kwargs'] = func_kwargs
return func.apply_async(**kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
Usage example
@debounced_task(lambda x, *a, **k: x)
def send_email(user_id, email_id):
send_email(args=[1], kwargs={'email_id': 2}, countdown=10)
send_email(args=[1], kwargs={'email_id': 2}, countdown=10)
send_email(args=[1], kwargs={'email_id': 2}, countdown=10)
send_email(args=[1], kwargs={'email_id': 2}, countdown=10) # Only this one will execute
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bufke commented Dec 19, 2022

This is great! I created a variation of this that runs immediately on the first task while still always executing the last task.

If using django-redis, cache.add and cache.incr can be reduced to one call

with get_redis_connection("default") as con:
    call_count = con.incr(cache_prefix + key)

This works because the redis INCR command treats None as 0, thus the result is 1 when not set previously.

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