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Forked from jacob414/backbone-tutorial.js
Created November 26, 2011 21:58
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Minimal example of data handling in Backbone.js
/* Scaled-down Backbone.js demonstration
* By Jacob Oscarson (, 2010
* MIT Licenced, see */
$(function() {
window.ulog = function(msg) { $('#log').append($('<div>'+msg+'</div>')); }
// Faking a little bit of Backbone.sync functionallity
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, succeeded) {
ulog('<strong>'+method + ":</strong> " + model.get('label'));
if(typeof model.cid != 'undefined') {
// It's a freshly made model
var cid = model.cid;
// ..fake that it's .cid turns into a "real" .id:
model.unset('cid').set({id:cid}, {silent:true});
// Oh yes, it all went sooo well ;-)
// Models represent your data
Model = Backbone.Model.extend();
// Collections represent a list of models (typically a query on a server)
Models = Backbone.Collection.extend({model:Model});
// Create a 'Models' instance, and give it a dataset we can play with
models = new Models([ {id: 'm1', label:'Item 1'},
{id: 'm2', label:'Item 2'} ]);
// Views represent what should be visible
View = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// Redraw - notice that we don't know if this.el is inserted
// in the DOM or not
_.template('<input type="text" value="<%= label %>" />',
// Returning this.el instead could also be a good idea..
return this;
events: {
'change input': 'change'
change: function() {
var newval = this.$('input').val();
ulog('<em>Changing '+this.model.get('label')+' to '+newval+"</em>");
// Create view instances for every model
views = {
var view = new View({model: model});
return view;
$('#save').click(function() {
// This doesn't feel completely right..
models.each(function(model) {; });
$('#add').click(function() {
var model = models.create({label:'New item'});
var view = new View({model:model});
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