Run the following to create ~/.git-completion.bash
curl > ~/.git-completion.bash
Then add the following to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
after PATH
# Set the base PS1
export PS1="\t: \W$ "
# Source the git bash completion file
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
source ~/.git-completion.bash
PS1='\t:\[\033[32m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\[\033[00m\] \W$ '
export PS1
This will display the branch name next to the folder name in the bash prompt.
Symbols after the branch name indicate additional information about the repo state:
: The branch has modifications$
: There are stashed changes=
: The branch is equal with the remote branch<
: The branch is behind the remote branch (can be fast-forwarded)>
: The branch is ahead of the remote branch (remote branch can be fast-forwarded)<>
: The branch and remote branch have diverged (will need merge)