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Created August 4, 2014 05:47
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Example Mocha ReactJS + CoffeeScript Test
Parse = require '../../core/parse'
TestUtils = require('react/addons').addons.TestUtils
logoutView = require './logout'
mediator = require '../../core/mediator'
describe 'LogoutView', ->
beforeEach ->
@container = @document.createElement 'div'
@logoutEl = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument <logoutView />, @container
describe 'once logout is clicked', ->
beforeEach ->
@parseLogoutStub = @sinon.stub Parse.User, 'logOut'
@logoutMediatorStub = @sinon.stub()
mediator.on 'user:loggedOut', @logoutMediatorStub
@routerSpy = @sinon.spy(mediator.get('router'), 'goto') @logoutEl.getDOMNode()
afterEach ->
it 'logs users out via parse', ->
it 'triggers a global logout event', ->
it 'routes to /session', ->
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