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Last active November 6, 2016 02:21
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Traversable Laws in F#
Traversable Laws in F#
- Install FSharpx.Extras, FsCheck.x, FsUnit.xUnit, FsCheck.Xunit
module Traversable.Tests
open FSharpx
open FSharpx.Functional
open FsCheck
open global.Xunit
type Identity<'T> =
| Identity of (unit -> 'T)
module Identity =
let returnM a =
Identity (fun () -> a)
let map f idA =
let innerFn() =
let (Identity(idA)) = idA
|> idA
|> f
Identity innerFn
let apply ((Identity f): Identity<'a -> 'b>) ((Identity a): Identity<'a>) : Identity<'b> =
Identity (fun () -> f() <| a())
let runIdentity idX =
let (Identity innerFn) = idX
type ``Compose Async Option``<'a> =
| Compose of Async<Option<'a>>
module ``Compose Async Option`` =
let map (f: 'a -> 'b) (Compose(rc): ``Compose Async Option``<'a>): ``Compose Async Option``<'b> = ( f) rc |> Compose
let retn (a: 'a): ``Compose Async Option``<'a> =
a |> Option.returnM |> Async.returnM |> Compose
let apply (Compose (f): ``Compose Async Option``<'a -> 'b>) (Compose (a): ``Compose Async Option``<'a>) : ``Compose Async Option``<'b> =
|> ( Option.(<*>) >> Async.(<*>)) f
|> Compose
let getCompose (c: ``Compose Async Option``<'a>): Async<Option<'a>> =
let (Compose c) = c
module List =
// traverse Async
let traverseAsyncA f list =
let (<*>) = Async.(<*>)
let retn = Async.returnM
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
// traverse Option
let traverseOptionA f list =
let (<*>) = Option.(<*>)
let retn = Option.returnM
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
// traverse Identity
let traverseIdentityA f list =
let (<*>) = Identity.apply
let retn = Identity.returnM
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
// traverse Compose
let traverseComposeA f list =
let (<*>) = ``Compose Async Option``.apply
let retn = ``Compose Async Option``.retn
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
let unwrap = Async.RunSynchronously
let ``Traversable Law 1 - Identity`` () =
// traverse Identity = Identity -- identity
let law l =
let rhs = List.traverseIdentityA Identity.returnM
let lhs = Identity.returnM
runIdentity (rhs l) = runIdentity (lhs l)
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure law
let ``Traversable Law 2 - Composition`` () =
// traverse (Compose . fmap g . f) = Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f -- composition
let getCompose = ``Compose Async Option``.getCompose
let law l =
let rhs = Compose << (List.traverseOptionA Option.returnM) << List.traverseAsyncA Async.returnM
let rv = rhs l
let r = getCompose rv
let lhs = List.traverseComposeA (Compose << Option.returnM << Async.returnM)
let lv = lhs l
let l = getCompose lv
unwrap r = unwrap l
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure law
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