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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save parttimenerd/11142792 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This project aims to build a compiler for the (yet to be defined) programming language Oak in less than 10.000 lines of Java code. With a focus on simplicity and elegance - not on the performance of the produced assembly (or the pretty error messages).

##Notes on targets, etc. The intended targets are x86 (with stdclib support) and MIPS (MARS and SPIM dialect) assembler. For simplicity reasons, no values are kept in the registers except the ones that are required for each operation.

##Development notes The development is documentation driven (every feature of Oak should first by defined in this document) and semi test driven (every non trivial method of the Code should be tested via a JUnit test).

  • The error messages are not pretty and the parser can't recover from syntax errors (like an ANTLR generated one), but that's intended, as it keeps the code base and the level complexity small.

###Compiler backend notes

  • It will be splitted into two seperate backends: one for x86 and one for MIPS and other targets.
  • The x86 target:
    • compiles to C code (or C++ code, if C turns out to be too nasty)
    • the built in functions are declared as C functions
    • it allows to compile Oak, to lots of other "real world" targets like x64
    • is the simplest options and produces probably performant x86 assembly

##License This (and all other texts of this project) are CC-BY licensed. All code is GNU GPL v3 licensed.

##Roadmap Things to be done in chronological order.

  • lexer (done)
  • parser (done)
  • semantic analyser
  • compiler frontend
  • generic compiler backend
  • compiler backends for the intended targets
    • x86 (probably compiles first to C)
    • MIPS
  • (optional) additional compiler backends for targets like
    • MIMA
  • (optional) simple AST based interpreter
  • (optional) higher level language that compiles to Oak

###Status ####Current work

  • Finish testing the parser.
  • Start the semantic analyser

The development of this project consumes currently more time, than I can effort. It's therefore almost halting for the next two month. But I'm planning to finish the part "generic compiler backend" in mid august.

##Oak Oak is a simple language, that can be parsed using only Java's standard library, without the need of a heavy parser generator (like ANTLR) or a PEG parser (like parboiled).

Oak is

  • procedural
  • static typed
  • whitespace insensitive

###Supported Types

name size (in bytes) notable properties used for declaration syntax (as a regular expression)
bool 1 boolean arithmetic true¦false
byte 1 signed strings [+-]?[0-9]+b
int 4 signed calculations [+-]?[0-9]+
float 4 IEE-754 floating point calculations [+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(E[+-]?[0-9]+)?
pointer 8 range checks
string 8 pointer to bytes "([^\\"] ¦ \\" ¦ \\n ¦ \\r ¦ \\t ¦ \\\\)*"

####Pointer In general, a pointer references a memory area as bytes. A pointer consists of two 4 byte pointers, the first pointing at the first byte and the last pointing at last byte of the referenced memory area. The 4 byte pointers are not accesable to the user. Invalid pointers consist of two 4 byte pointers, the last 4 byte pointer pointing before the first 4 byte pointer.

###File structure Statements are separated by new lines (\n). A file consist of several function and global variable declarations. The main function is the entry point into the programm. It's required for code that should be run directly. It's not required for library code.

###Variable declaration and assignment

A variable is declared in the following way:


TYPE is the type of the variable (see Supported Types).

NAME =~ /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*[!]?/ (NAME has the given format, stated as a regular expression.) Type names (like int and void) and boolean literals (true and false) can't be used as a NAME.

VALUE is the initial value of the variable (see Supported Types) or a name of another variable (declared in this or an outer scope before). The VALUE has to have the type TYPE.

A variable can only declared once in a scope and variable declarations of an inner scope hide the declarations of an outer scope.

After a variable is declared, it can be assigned with the following syntax:


NAME is a previously declared variable (in this or an outer scope).

VALUE is the new value of the variable (see Supported Types) or a name of another variable (declared in this or an outer scope before) and has the same type as NAME.

In general, a variable can only be accessed after it has been declared in the same scope or parent scopes.

Be aware that a memory area referenced by a string or a pointer should be freed after use.

####Global variables Global variables are declared in the global scope – they can be accessed from every other scope. Variable assignments and declarations are evaluated from top to down.

###Functions A function can be declared with the following.

    _function RETURN_TYPE NAME : [type of argument 1] [name of argument 1], [...], [type of argument N] [name of argument N]
        [statement m]
        [return statement]

It declares the function NAME with a set of arguments, which returns a value of the type RETURN_TYPE. Functions must be declared with a return type but can have zero arguments. The arguments are mapped to variables with the appropriate (given) name inside the function base scope. RETURN_TYPE can also be void, meaning that the function doesn't return anything. The last statement has to be a return statement (omittable if the function has the return type void).

A function can also be declared without any arguments:

    _function RETURN_TYPE NAME
        [see above]

It's allowed to name two functions the same name if they have different sets of argument types, as well as to name a variable and a function the same. But it's not allowed to use a type name (e.g. int or void) or a bool literal (true or false) as a name.


Statements are separated by newlines and are only allowed in function bodies.

####Function calls

    NAME [first argument] [...] [last argument]

Or without any arguments:


This calls a function NAME. The return value is stored in the function local variable ret_TYPE with TYPE being the return type of the function NAME (e.g. the return value of a function returning a bool is stored in the variable ret_bool). But this is not the case if the return type is void.

The default values of the ret_TYPE variables are the following:

variable default value
ret_bool false
ret_byte 0
ret_int 0
ret_float +0
ret_string ""
ret_pointer pointer to an empty memory area

####Function return statement This statement returns from its enclosing function to the calling function.

    _return VALUE

VALUE is either a valid variable name or a value representation (see Supported Types) and must have the same type as the return type of its enclosing function.

If the return type is void, VALUE has to be omitted.

###Control structures (statements)

It's assumed in the following, that BOOL is a bool variable or a bool value.


    _if BOOL
        [block of statements executed if BOOL is true]
        [block of statements executed otherwise]


    _if BOOL
        [block of statements executed if BOOL is true]

####While loop

    _while BOOL
        [block of statements]

The BOOL is checked at the start of each iteration of the loop, the [block of statements] is then executed if BOOL is true.

###Built in functions The following are the builtin functions, with their function headers (argument names are omitted, as well as the collon between name and argument list) and a short description.

####Type conversions

  • bool to_bool byte Converts a byte into a bool, 0 turns into false, every other number into true.
  • bool to_bool int Converts an int into a bool, 0 turns into false, every other number into true.
  • bool to_bool float Converts an float into a bool, +0, -0 and NaN turn into false, every other number into true.
  • byte to_byte bool Convert a bool into an int, true turns into 1 and false to 0.
  • byte to_byte int Convert a byte into an int. If the int is to large for a byte then it throws an exception.
  • int to_int bool Convert a bool into an int, true turns into 1 and false to 0.
  • int to_int byte Convert a byte into an int.
  • int to_int float Convert a float into an int, the actual conversion details are target specific and therefore not specified here.
  • float to_float int Convert a int into a float.
  • int round int float Rounds the float to the nearest integer and returns it, -Infinity becomes INT_MIN and +Infinity becomes INT_MAX. It throws an exception if the float is NaN.
  • int floor float Returns the biggest integer smaller than the float, -Infinity turns into INT_MIN and +Infinity into INT_MAX. It throws an exception if the float is NaN.
  • pointer to_pointer string Converts a string into an equivalent pointer (that references the bytes of the string).
  • string to_string pointer Converts a pointer into an equivalent string (treating the pointer as a pointer referencing bytes).
  • string to_string byte Converts a byte into its string representation, thereby allocating a new string on the heap.
  • string to_string int Converts an int into its string representation, thereby allocating a new string on the heap.
  • string to_string float Converts a float into its string representation, thereby allocating a new string on the heap.

####Arithmetic operations

  • byte add byte byte Calculates the sum of two bytes (overflows can occur).

  • int add int int Calculates the sum of two ints (overflows can occur).

  • float add float float Calculates the sum of two floats.

  • byte sub byte byte Substracts the second byte from the first (overflows can occur).

  • int sub int int Substracts the second int from the first (overflows can occur).

  • float sub float float Substracts the second float from the first (over- and underflows can occur).

  • byte mul byte byte Multiplies the two bytes (overflows can occur).

  • int mul int int Multiplies the two ints (overflows can occur).

  • float mul float float Multiplies the two floats (over- and underflows can occur).

  • byte div byte byte Divides the first byte by the second (over- and underflows can occur). Throws an exception if the divisor is zero.

  • int div int int Divides the first int by the second (over- and underflows can occur). Throws an exception if the divisor is zero.

  • float div float float Divides the first float by the second. Throws an exception if the divisor is zero.

  • byte mod byte byte Calculate a mod b. Throws an exception if the second byte is zero. (Uses the mathematical correct version of this operation.)

  • int mod int int Calculate a mod b. Throws an exception if the second int is zero. (Uses the mathematical correct version of this operation.)

####Boolean operations

  • bool not bool Negates the given bool.
  • bool and bool bool. Returns true if both given bools are true, otherwise it returns false.
  • bool or bool bool. Returns false if both given bools are false, otherwise it returns true.
  • bool xor bool bool. Returns true if both given bools have different values, otherwise it returns true.

####Compare operations

  • bool equal bool bool Returns true if both bools have the same value, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool equal byte byte Returns true if both bytes have the same value, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool equal int int Returns true if both ints have the same value, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool equal float float Returns true if both floats have exactly the same value, otherwise it returns false. It also returns false if one of the floats is NaN. +0 and -0 are the same.

  • bool equal pointer pointer Returns true if both pointers reference the same memory area, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool equal string string Returns true if both strings consist of the same sequence of bytes, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool less byte byte Returns true if the first byte is smaller than the second, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool less int int Returns true if the first int is smaller than the second, otherwise it returns false.

  • bool less float float Returns true if the first float is smaller than the second, otherwise it returns false. It also returns false if one of the floats is NaN and if one is +0 and the other -0.

####Variable references Variable references are pointers pointing to a single variable. Use the following function call statement to get a variable reference (stored in ret_pointer) for a variable VAR:

    get_ref VAR

The function get_ref is defined for all data types. get_ref VAR is equivalent to &VAR in C or C++.

####Pointers and heap allocation

  • pointer malloc int Allocate a memory area of the given size on the heap and return a referencing pointer.

  • void free pointer This function takes a reference to a pointer, frees the memory designated to this pointer and invalidates it.

  • pointer clone_mem pointer Create a copy of the memory area referenced by the pointer and return the pointer to the copy.

  • void copy_mem pointer pointer Copy the memory referenced by the first pointer to the one referenced by the second pointer. The last memory area must be at least as big as the first.

  • pointer append pointer pointer Create a new pointer referencing a memory area with the sum of the sizes of both given pointers as its size and copy the first pointers area to the beginning and copy the second pointers area after it.

  • int mem_size pointer Returns the size of the memory area referenced by the pointer or -1 if the pointer is invalid.

  • pointer add pointer int Returns a pointer with the end 4 byte pointer being equivalent to the one of the given pointer and the begin 4 byte pointer incremented by int. There will be an exception if the resulting pointer will be outside the memory area of the first or if the int is negative.

Accessing the area directly referenced by the pointer as a data type: The area referenced by the pointer has to be at least [size of data type] bytes wide, otherwise there will be an exception. The first [size of data type] bytes are returned as the data type (in get_TYPE functions), or set to the given value (in set_TYPE functions).

  • bool get_bool pointer
  • bool set_bool pointer
  • byte get_byte pointer
  • byte set_byte pointer
  • int get_int pointer
  • int set_int pointer
  • float get_float pointer
  • float set_float pointer
  • pointer get_pointer pointer
  • pointer set_pointer pointer
  • string get_string pointer
  • string set_string pointer


  • string append string string Append the second string to the first and return a pointer to the new string.

Convert them into pointers, work with them and then convert them back.


  • void print string Print the string on the standard output.

  • void print_err string Print the string on the error output. Note: If the error out isn't provided by the target, it uses the standard out.

  • byte read_byte Reads a character from standard input.

  • string read_string Reads a string from standard input.


  • int exit int Exits the program. The integer is an error code if its not zero.
  • void assert bool Exits and prints some context information (e.g. line and function) if bool is false.
  • void assert bool string Exits and prints the string (with some context information) if bool is false.

###Comments Comments are lines preceeded by a # character. Function comments are comment blocks (several lines preceeded by a # character) in front of functions, they can be used to clarify the functionality and usage of the function.

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