##OrgaChat (done) A chat inspired by IRC, with it's backend written in [PHP or JavaScript] and a simple webfrontend. It will have an easy extendable back and frontend, build on IRC like commands.
I worked on this idea during christmas holidays: https://github.com/parttimenerd/orgachat.js
I actually wrote the chat entirely in JavaScript using node.js on the server side.
##CompilerInOrange (suspended) A compiler/assembler/vm for a language called OrangeLang, that compiles to some sort of MIPS assembler, which could be run in a vm or translated into MIMA or MARS style MIPS assembler. It will have a modular structure and is build for simplicity, not for compliance with standards.
##IntoTheWoods A project similar to CompilerInOrange, but simpler. It compiles Oak (a rudimentary programming language) into MIPS and x86 assembly and is implemented in < 10000 lines of Java code. The performance doesn't of the produced assembly doesn't matter. Only the simplicity and elegance of the compiler code matters.
##RegEx to finite automaton A fast regular expression engine for JavaScript that generates a finite automaton.
##Language Liberation Front (Compare http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/4914) A website that encourages people to write their own programming languages and tells about existing languages that give the programmer the most freedom.
##Webbased flashcards A flashcard app that works in the browser (via the local store) and synchronizes its data with a simple php based server when it's connected to the internet.