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Last active April 2, 2017 22:19
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Demo C Compilation
// Code generated by colf(1); DO NOT EDIT.
// The compiler used schema file demo.colf for package demo.
#include "Colfer.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || \
defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || \
defined(__ARMEB__) || \
defined(__AARCH64EB__) || \
defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(__MIPSEB__) || \
size_t colfer_size_max = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
size_t colfer_list_max = 64 * 1024;
size_t demo_course_marshal_len(const demo_course* o) {
size_t l = 1;
uint_fast64_t x = o->ID;
if (x) {
if (x >= (uint_fast64_t) 1 << 49) l += 9;
else for (l += 2; x > 127; x >>= 7, ++l);
size_t n = o->name.len;
if (n > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
if (n) for (l += 2 + n; n > 127; n >>= 7, ++l);
size_t n = o->holes.len;
if (n) {
if (n > colfer_list_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
demo_hole* a = o->holes.list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) l += demo_hole_marshal_len(&a[i]);
for (l += 2; n > 127; n >>= 7, ++l);
if (l > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
size_t n = o->image.len;
if (n > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
if (n) for (l += 2 + n; n > 127; n >>= 7, ++l);
size_t n = o->tags.len;
if (n) {
if (n > colfer_list_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
colfer_text* a = o->tags.list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
size_t len = a[i].len;
if (len > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
for (l += len + 1; len > 127; len >>= 7, ++l);
for (l += 2; n > 127; n >>= 7, ++l);
if (l > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
if (l > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
return l;
size_t demo_course_marshal(const demo_course* o, void* buf) {
// octet pointer navigation
uint8_t* p = buf;
uint_fast64_t x = o->ID;
if (x) {
if (x < (uint_fast64_t) 1 << 49) {
*p++ = 0;
for (; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
} else {
*p++ = 0 | 128;
memcpy(p, &o->ID, 8);
p += 8;
*p++ = x >> 56;
*p++ = x >> 48;
*p++ = x >> 40;
*p++ = x >> 32;
*p++ = x >> 24;
*p++ = x >> 16;
*p++ = x >> 8;
*p++ = x;
size_t n = o->name.len;
if (n) {
*p++ = 1;
uint_fast32_t x = n;
for (; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
memcpy(p, o->name.utf8, n);
p += n;
size_t n = o->holes.len;
if (n) {
*p++ = 2;
uint_fast32_t x = n;
for (; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
demo_hole* a = o->holes.list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) p += demo_hole_marshal(&a[i], p);
size_t n = o->image.len;
if (n) {
*p++ = 3;
uint_fast32_t x = n;
for (; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
memcpy(p, o->image.octets, n);
p += n;
size_t count = o->tags.len;
if (count) {
*p++ = 4;
uint_fast32_t x = count;
for (; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
colfer_text* text = o->tags.list;
do {
size_t n = text->len;
for (x = n; x >= 128; x >>= 7) *p++ = x | 128;
*p++ = x;
memcpy(p, text->utf8, n);
p += n;
} while (--count != 0);
*p++ = 127;
return p - (uint8_t*) buf;
size_t demo_course_unmarshal(demo_course* o, const void* data, size_t datalen) {
// octet pointer navigation
const uint8_t* p = data;
const uint8_t* end;
int enderr;
if (datalen < colfer_size_max) {
end = p + datalen;
} else {
end = p + colfer_size_max;
enderr = EFBIG;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
uint_fast8_t header = *p++;
if (header == 0) {
if (p+1 >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
uint_fast64_t x = *p++;
if (x > 127) {
x &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; ; shift += 7) {
uint_fast64_t b = *p++;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
if (b <= 127) {
x |= b << shift;
x |= (b & 127) << shift;
o->ID = x;
header = *p++;
} else if (header == (0 | 128)) {
if (p+8 >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
uint_fast64_t x = *p++;
x <<= 56;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 48;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 40;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 32;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 24;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 16;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 8;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++;
o->ID = x;
header = *p++;
if (header == 1) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t n = *p++;
if (n > 127) {
n &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; shift < sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT; shift += 7) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t c = *p++;
if (c <= 127) {
n |= c << shift;
n |= (c & 127) << shift;
if (p+n >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
void* a = malloc(n);
memcpy(a, p, n);
p += n;
o->name.len = n;
o->name.utf8 = (char*) a;
header = *p++;
if (header == 2) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t n = *p++;
if (n > 127) {
n &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; ; shift += 7) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t c = *p++;
if (c <= 127) {
n |= c << shift;
n |= (c & 127) << shift;
if (n > colfer_list_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
demo_hole* a = calloc(n, sizeof(demo_hole));
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
size_t read = demo_hole_unmarshal(&a[i], p, (size_t) (end - p));
if (!read) {
if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) errno = enderr;
return read;
p += read;
o->holes.len = n;
o->holes.list = a;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
header = *p++;
if (header == 3) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t n = *p++;
if (n > 127) {
n &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; ; shift += 7) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t c = *p++;
if (c <= 127) {
n |= c << shift;
n |= (c & 127) << shift;
if (p+n >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
void* a = malloc(n);
memcpy(a, p, n);
p += n;
o->image.len = n;
o->image.octets = (uint8_t*) a;
header = *p++;
if (header == 4) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t n = *p++;
if (n > 127) {
n &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; ; shift += 7) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t c = *p++;
if (c <= 127) {
n |= c << shift;
n |= (c & 127) << shift;
if (n > colfer_list_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
colfer_text* text = malloc(n * sizeof(colfer_text));
o->tags.len = n;
o->tags.list = text;
for (; n != 0; --n, ++text) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t len = *p++;
if (len > 127) {
len &= 127;
for (int shift = 7; ; shift += 7) {
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
size_t c = *p++;
if (c <= 127) {
len |= c << shift;
len |= (c & 127) << shift;
if (p+len >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
char* a = malloc(len);
memcpy(a, p, len);
p += len;
text->len = len;
text->utf8 = a;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
header = *p++;
if (header != 127) {
errno = EILSEQ;
return 0;
return (size_t) (p - (const uint8_t*) data);
size_t demo_hole_marshal_len(const demo_hole* o) {
size_t l = 1;
if (o->lat != 0.0) l += 9;
if (o->lon != 0.0) l += 9;
if (o->par) l += 2;
if (o->water) l++;
if (o->sand) l++;
if (l > colfer_size_max) {
errno = EFBIG;
return 0;
return l;
size_t demo_hole_marshal(const demo_hole* o, void* buf) {
// octet pointer navigation
uint8_t* p = buf;
if (o->lat != 0.0) {
*p++ = 0;
memcpy(p, &o->lat, 8);
p += 8;
uint_fast64_t x;
memcpy(&x, &o->lat, 8);
*p++ = x >> 56;
*p++ = x >> 48;
*p++ = x >> 40;
*p++ = x >> 32;
*p++ = x >> 24;
*p++ = x >> 16;
*p++ = x >> 8;
*p++ = x;
if (o->lon != 0.0) {
*p++ = 1;
memcpy(p, &o->lon, 8);
p += 8;
uint_fast64_t x;
memcpy(&x, &o->lon, 8);
*p++ = x >> 56;
*p++ = x >> 48;
*p++ = x >> 40;
*p++ = x >> 32;
*p++ = x >> 24;
*p++ = x >> 16;
*p++ = x >> 8;
*p++ = x;
if (o->par) {
*p++ = 2;
*p++ = o->par;
if (o->water) *p++ = 3;
if (o->sand) *p++ = 4;
*p++ = 127;
return p - (uint8_t*) buf;
size_t demo_hole_unmarshal(demo_hole* o, const void* data, size_t datalen) {
// octet pointer navigation
const uint8_t* p = data;
const uint8_t* end;
int enderr;
if (datalen < colfer_size_max) {
end = p + datalen;
} else {
end = p + colfer_size_max;
enderr = EFBIG;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
uint_fast8_t header = *p++;
if (header == 0) {
if (p+8 >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
memcpy(&o->lat, p, 8);
p += 8;
uint_fast64_t x = *p++;
x <<= 56;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 48;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 40;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 32;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 24;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 16;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 8;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++;
memcpy(&o->lat, &x, 8);
header = *p++;
if (header == 1) {
if (p+8 >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
memcpy(&o->lon, p, 8);
p += 8;
uint_fast64_t x = *p++;
x <<= 56;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 48;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 40;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 32;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 24;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 16;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++ << 8;
x |= (uint_fast64_t) *p++;
memcpy(&o->lon, &x, 8);
header = *p++;
if (header == 2) {
if (p+1 >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
o->par = *p++;
header = *p++;
if (header == 3) {
o->water = 1;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
header = *p++;
if (header == 4) {
o->sand = 1;
if (p >= end) {
errno = enderr;
return 0;
header = *p++;
if (header != 127) {
errno = EILSEQ;
return 0;
return (size_t) (p - (const uint8_t*) data);
// Code generated by colf(1); DO NOT EDIT.
// The compiler used schema file demo.colf for package demo.
#ifndef COLFER_H
#define COLFER_H
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error "octet byte size"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// colfer_size_max is the upper limit for serial octet sizes.
extern size_t colfer_size_max;
// colfer_list_max is the upper limit for the number of elements in a list.
extern size_t colfer_list_max;
typedef struct {
// sec is the Unix time.
int_fast64_t sec;
// nanos is the nanosecond adjustment.
int_fast64_t nanos;
} colfer_timestamp;
// colfer_text is a UTF-8 CLOB.
typedef struct {
const char* utf8;
size_t len;
} colfer_text;
// colfer_binary is a BLOB.
typedef struct {
uint8_t* octets;
size_t len;
} colfer_binary;
typedef struct demo_course demo_course;
typedef struct demo_hole demo_hole;
// Course is the grounds where the game of golf is played.
struct demo_course {
uint64_t ID;
colfer_text name;
struct {
struct demo_hole* list;
size_t len;
} holes;
colfer_binary image;
struct {
colfer_text* list;
size_t len;
} tags;
// demo_course_marshal_len returns the Colfer serial octet size.
// When the return is zero then errno is set to EFBIG to indicate a breach of
// either colfer_size_max or colfer_list_max.
size_t demo_course_marshal_len(const demo_course* o);
// demo_course_marshal encodes o as Colfer into buf and returns the number
// of octets written.
size_t demo_course_marshal(const demo_course* o, void* buf);
// demo_course_unmarshal decodes data as Colfer into o and returns the
// number of octets read. The data is read up to a maximum of datalen or
// colfer_size_max, whichever occurs first.
// When the return is zero then errno is set to one of the following 3 values:
// EWOULDBLOCK on incomplete data, EFBIG on a breach of either colfer_size_max
// or colfer_list_max and EILSEQ on schema mismatch.
size_t demo_course_unmarshal(demo_course* o, const void* data, size_t datalen);
struct demo_hole {
// Lat is the latitude of the cup.
double lat;
// Lon is the longitude of the cup.
double lon;
// Par is the difficulty index.
uint8_t par;
// Water marks the presence of water.
char water;
// Sand marks the presence of sand.
char sand;
// demo_hole_marshal_len returns the Colfer serial octet size.
// When the return is zero then errno is set to EFBIG to indicate a breach of
// either colfer_size_max or colfer_list_max.
size_t demo_hole_marshal_len(const demo_hole* o);
// demo_hole_marshal encodes o as Colfer into buf and returns the number
// of octets written.
size_t demo_hole_marshal(const demo_hole* o, void* buf);
// demo_hole_unmarshal decodes data as Colfer into o and returns the
// number of octets read. The data is read up to a maximum of datalen or
// colfer_size_max, whichever occurs first.
// When the return is zero then errno is set to one of the following 3 values:
// EWOULDBLOCK on incomplete data, EFBIG on a breach of either colfer_size_max
// or colfer_list_max and EILSEQ on schema mismatch.
size_t demo_hole_unmarshal(demo_hole* o, const void* data, size_t datalen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
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