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Demo Java Compilation
package com.example.demo;
// Code generated by colf(1); DO NOT EDIT.
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
* Data bean with built-in serialization support.
* Course is the grounds where the game of golf is played.
* @author generated by colf(1)
* @see <a href="">Colfer's home</a>
@javax.annotation.Generated(value="colf(1)", comments="Colfer from schema file demo.colf")
public class Course extends com.example.BeanParent implements Serializable {
/** The upper limit for serial byte sizes. */
public static int colferSizeMax = 2 * 1024;
/** The upper limit for the number of elements in a list. */
public static int colferListMax = 99;
public long ID;
public String name;
public Hole[] holes;
public byte[] image;
public String[] tags;
/** Default constructor */
public Course() {
private static final byte[] _zeroBytes = new byte[0];
private static final Hole[] _zeroHoles = new Hole[0];
private static final String[] _zeroTags = new String[0];
/** Colfer zero values. */
private void init() {
name = "";
holes = _zeroHoles;
image = _zeroBytes;
tags = _zeroTags;
* {@link #reset(InputStream) Reusable} deserialization of Colfer streams.
public static class Unmarshaller {
/** The data source. */
protected InputStream in;
/** The read buffer. */
public byte[] buf;
/** The {@link #buf buffer}'s data start index, inclusive. */
protected int offset;
/** The {@link #buf buffer}'s data end index, exclusive. */
protected int i;
* @param in the data source or {@code null}.
* @param buf the initial buffer or {@code null}.
public Unmarshaller(InputStream in, byte[] buf) {
// TODO: better size estimation
if (buf == null || buf.length == 0)
buf = new byte[Math.min(Course.colferSizeMax, 2048)];
this.buf = buf;
* Reuses the marshaller.
* @param in the data source or {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalStateException on pending data.
public void reset(InputStream in) {
if (this.i != this.offset) throw new IllegalStateException("colfer: pending data"); = in;
this.offset = 0;
this.i = 0;
* Deserializes the following object.
* @return the result or {@code null} when EOF.
* @throws IOException from the input stream.
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by either {@link #colferSizeMax} or {@link #colferListMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public Course next() throws IOException {
if (in == null) return null;
while (true) {
if (this.i > this.offset) {
try {
Course o = new Course();
this.offset = o.unmarshal(this.buf, this.offset, this.i);
return o;
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
// not enough data
if (this.i <= this.offset) {
this.offset = 0;
this.i = 0;
} else if (i == buf.length) {
byte[] src = this.buf;
// TODO: better size estimation
if (offset == 0) this.buf = new byte[Math.min(Course.colferSizeMax, this.buf.length * 4)];
System.arraycopy(src, this.offset, this.buf, 0, this.i - this.offset);
this.i -= this.offset;
this.offset = 0;
assert this.i < this.buf.length;
int n =, i, buf.length - i);
if (n < 0) {
if (this.i > this.offset)
throw new InputMismatchException("colfer: pending data with EOF");
return null;
assert n > 0;
i += n;
* Serializes the object.
* All {@code null} elements in {@link #holes} will be replaced with a {@code new} value.
* All {@code null} elements in {@link #tags} will be replaced with {@code ""}.
* @param out the data destination.
* @param buf the initial buffer or {@code null}.
* @return the final buffer. When the serial fits into {@code buf} then the return is {@code buf}.
* Otherwise the return is a new buffer, large enough to hold the whole serial.
* @throws IOException from {@code out}.
* @throws IllegalStateException on an upper limit breach defined by either {@link #colferSizeMax} or {@link #colferListMax}.
public byte[] marshal(OutputStream out, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
// TODO: better size estimation
if (buf == null || buf.length == 0)
buf = new byte[Math.min(Course.colferSizeMax, 2048)];
while (true) {
int i;
try {
i = marshal(buf, 0);
} catch (BufferOverflowException e) {
buf = new byte[Math.min(Course.colferSizeMax, buf.length * 4)];
out.write(buf, 0, i);
return buf;
* Serializes the object.
* All {@code null} elements in {@link #holes} will be replaced with a {@code new} value.
* All {@code null} elements in {@link #tags} will be replaced with {@code ""}.
* @param buf the data destination.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferOverflowException when {@code buf} is too small.
* @throws IllegalStateException on an upper limit breach defined by either {@link #colferSizeMax} or {@link #colferListMax}.
public int marshal(byte[] buf, int offset) {
int i = offset;
try {
if (this.ID != 0) {
long x = this.ID;
if ((x & ~((1L << 49) - 1)) != 0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (0 | 0x80);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 56);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 48);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 40);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 32);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 24);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 16);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 8);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x);
} else {
buf[i++] = (byte) 0;
while (x > 0x7fL) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (x | 0x80);
x >>>= 7;
buf[i++] = (byte) x;
if (! {
buf[i++] = (byte) 1;
int start = ++i;
String s =;
for (int sIndex = 0, sLength = s.length(); sIndex < sLength; sIndex++) {
char c = s.charAt(sIndex);
if (c < '\u0080') {
buf[i++] = (byte) c;
} else if (c < '\u0800') {
buf[i++] = (byte) (192 | c >>> 6);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c & 63);
} else if (c < '\ud800' || c > '\udfff') {
buf[i++] = (byte) (224 | c >>> 12);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c >>> 6 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c & 63);
} else {
int cp = 0;
if (++sIndex < sLength) cp = Character.toCodePoint(c, s.charAt(sIndex));
if ((cp >= 1 << 16) && (cp < 1 << 21)) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (240 | cp >>> 18);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp >>> 12 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp >>> 6 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp & 63);
} else
buf[i++] = (byte) '?';
int size = i - start;
if (size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/ size %d exceeds %d UTF-8 bytes", size, Course.colferSizeMax));
int ii = start - 1;
if (size > 0x7f) {
for (int x = size; x >= 1 << 14; x >>>= 7) i++;
System.arraycopy(buf, start, buf, i - size, size);
do {
buf[ii++] = (byte) (size | 0x80);
size >>>= 7;
} while (size > 0x7f);
buf[ii] = (byte) size;
if (this.holes.length != 0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 2;
Hole[] a = this.holes;
int x = a.length;
if (x > Course.colferListMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.holes length %d exceeds %d elements", x, Course.colferListMax));
while (x > 0x7f) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (x | 0x80);
x >>>= 7;
buf[i++] = (byte) x;
for (int ai = 0; ai < a.length; ai++) {
Hole o = a[ai];
if (o == null) {
o = new Hole();
a[ai] = o;
i = o.marshal(buf, i);
if (this.image.length != 0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 3;
int size = this.image.length;
if (size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.image size %d exceeds %d bytes", size, Course.colferSizeMax));
int x = size;
while (x > 0x7f) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (x | 0x80);
x >>>= 7;
buf[i++] = (byte) x;
int start = i;
i += size;
System.arraycopy(this.image, 0, buf, start, size);
if (this.tags.length != 0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 4;
String[] a = this.tags;
int x = a.length;
if (x > Course.colferListMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.tags length %d exceeds %d elements", x, Course.colferListMax));
while (x > 0x7f) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (x | 0x80);
x >>>= 7;
buf[i++] = (byte) x;
for (int ai = 0; ai < a.length; ai++) {
String s = a[ai];
if (s == null) {
s = "";
a[ai] = s;
int start = ++i;
for (int sIndex = 0, sLength = s.length(); sIndex < sLength; sIndex++) {
char c = s.charAt(sIndex);
if (c < '\u0080') {
buf[i++] = (byte) c;
} else if (c < '\u0800') {
buf[i++] = (byte) (192 | c >>> 6);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c & 63);
} else if (c < '\ud800' || c > '\udfff') {
buf[i++] = (byte) (224 | c >>> 12);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c >>> 6 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | c & 63);
} else {
int cp = 0;
if (++sIndex < sLength) cp = Character.toCodePoint(c, s.charAt(sIndex));
if ((cp >= 1 << 16) && (cp < 1 << 21)) {
buf[i++] = (byte) (240 | cp >>> 18);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp >>> 12 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp >>> 6 & 63);
buf[i++] = (byte) (128 | cp & 63);
} else
buf[i++] = (byte) '?';
int size = i - start;
if (size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.tags[%d] size %d exceeds %d UTF-8 bytes", ai, size, Course.colferSizeMax));
int ii = start - 1;
if (size > 0x7f) {
for (int y = size; y >= 1 << 14; y >>>= 7) i++;
System.arraycopy(buf, start, buf, i - size, size);
do {
buf[ii++] = (byte) (size | 0x80);
size >>>= 7;
} while (size > 0x7f);
buf[ii] = (byte) size;
buf[i++] = (byte) 0x7f;
return i;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
if (i - offset > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course exceeds %d bytes", Course.colferSizeMax));
if (i > buf.length) throw new BufferOverflowException();
throw e;
* Deserializes the object.
* @param buf the data source.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferUnderflowException when {@code buf} is incomplete. (EOF)
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by either {@link #colferSizeMax} or {@link #colferListMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public int unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset) {
return unmarshal(buf, offset, buf.length);
* Deserializes the object.
* @param buf the data source.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @param end the index limit for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferUnderflowException when {@code buf} is incomplete. (EOF)
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by either {@link #colferSizeMax} or {@link #colferListMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public int unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset, int end) {
if (end > buf.length) end = buf.length;
int i = offset;
try {
byte header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 0) {
long x = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
if (shift == 56 || b >= 0) {
x |= (b & 0xffL) << shift;
x |= (b & 0x7fL) << shift;
this.ID = x;
header = buf[i++];
} else if (header == (byte) (0 | 0x80)) {
this.ID = (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 56 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 48 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 40 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 32
| (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 24 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 16 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 8 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL);
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 1) {
int size = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
size |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
if (shift == 28 || b >= 0) break;
if (size < 0 || size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/ size %d exceeds %d UTF-8 bytes", size, Course.colferSizeMax));
int start = i;
i += size; = new String(buf, start, size, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 2) {
int length = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
length |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
if (shift == 28 || b >= 0) break;
if (length < 0 || length > Course.colferListMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.holes length %d exceeds %d elements", length, Course.colferListMax));
Hole[] a = new Hole[length];
for (int ai = 0; ai < length; ai++) {
Hole o = new Hole();
i = o.unmarshal(buf, i, end);
a[ai] = o;
this.holes = a;
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 3) {
int size = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
size |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
if (shift == 28 || b >= 0) break;
if (size < 0 || size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.image size %d exceeds %d bytes", size, Course.colferSizeMax));
this.image = new byte[size];
int start = i;
i += size;
System.arraycopy(buf, start, this.image, 0, size);
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 4) {
int length = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
length |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
if (shift == 28 || b >= 0) break;
if (length < 0 || length > Course.colferListMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.tags length %d exceeds %d elements", length, Course.colferListMax));
String[] a = new String[length];
for (int ai = 0; ai < length; ai++) {
int size = 0;
for (int shift = 0; true; shift += 7) {
byte b = buf[i++];
size |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
if (shift == 28 || b >= 0) break;
if (size < 0 || size > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course.tags[%d] size %d exceeds %d UTF-8 bytes", ai, size, Course.colferSizeMax));
int start = i;
i += size;
a[ai] = new String(buf, start, size, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
this.tags = a;
header = buf[i++];
if (header != (byte) 0x7f)
throw new InputMismatchException(format("colfer: unknown header at byte %d", i - 1));
} finally {
if (i > end && end - offset < Course.colferSizeMax) throw new BufferUnderflowException();
if (i < 0 || i - offset > Course.colferSizeMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.course exceeds %d bytes", Course.colferSizeMax));
if (i > end) throw new BufferUnderflowException();
return i;
// {@link Serializable} version number.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5L;
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// TODO: better size estimation
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int n;
while (true) try {
n = marshal(buf, 0);
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
buf = new byte[4 * buf.length];
out.write(buf, 0, n);
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
int n = in.readInt();
byte[] buf = new byte[n];
unmarshal(buf, 0);
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException {
* Gets com/example/demo.course.ID.
* @return the value.
public long getID() {
return this.ID;
* Sets com/example/demo.course.ID.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setID(long value) {
this.ID = value;
* Gets com/example/
* @return the value.
public String getName() {
* Sets com/example/
* @param value the replacement.
public void setName(String value) { = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.course.holes.
* @return the value.
public Hole[] getHoles() {
return this.holes;
* Sets com/example/demo.course.holes.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setHoles(Hole[] value) {
this.holes = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.course.image.
* @return the value.
public byte[] getImage() {
return this.image;
* Sets com/example/demo.course.image.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setImage(byte[] value) {
this.image = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.course.tags.
* @return the value.
public String[] getTags() {
return this.tags;
* Sets com/example/demo.course.tags.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setTags(String[] value) {
this.tags = value;
public final int hashCode() {
int h = 1;
h = 31 * h + (int)(this.ID ^ this.ID >>> 32);
if ( != null) h = 31 * h +;
for (Hole o : this.holes) h = 31 * h + (o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode());
for (byte b : this.image) h = 31 * h + b;
for (String o : this.tags) h = 31 * h + (o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode());
return h;
public final boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Course && equals((Course) o);
public final boolean equals(Course o) {
if (o == null) return false;
if (o == this) return true;
return o.getClass() == Course.class
&& this.ID == o.ID
&& ( == null ? == null :
&& java.util.Arrays.equals(this.holes, o.holes)
&& java.util.Arrays.equals(this.image, o.image)
&& java.util.Arrays.equals(this.tags, o.tags);
package com.example.demo;
// Code generated by colf(1); DO NOT EDIT.
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
* Data bean with built-in serialization support.
* @author generated by colf(1)
* @see <a href="">Colfer's home</a>
@javax.annotation.Generated(value="colf(1)", comments="Colfer from schema file demo.colf")
public class Hole extends com.example.BeanParent implements Serializable {
/** The upper limit for serial byte sizes. */
public static int colferSizeMax = 2 * 1024;
* Lat is the latitude of the cup.
public double lat;
* Lon is the longitude of the cup.
public double lon;
* Par is the difficulty index.
public byte par;
* Water marks the presence of water.
public boolean water;
* Sand marks the presence of sand.
public boolean sand;
/** Default constructor */
public Hole() {
/** Colfer zero values. */
private void init() {
* {@link #reset(InputStream) Reusable} deserialization of Colfer streams.
public static class Unmarshaller {
/** The data source. */
protected InputStream in;
/** The read buffer. */
public byte[] buf;
/** The {@link #buf buffer}'s data start index, inclusive. */
protected int offset;
/** The {@link #buf buffer}'s data end index, exclusive. */
protected int i;
* @param in the data source or {@code null}.
* @param buf the initial buffer or {@code null}.
public Unmarshaller(InputStream in, byte[] buf) {
// TODO: better size estimation
if (buf == null || buf.length == 0)
buf = new byte[Math.min(Hole.colferSizeMax, 2048)];
this.buf = buf;
* Reuses the marshaller.
* @param in the data source or {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalStateException on pending data.
public void reset(InputStream in) {
if (this.i != this.offset) throw new IllegalStateException("colfer: pending data"); = in;
this.offset = 0;
this.i = 0;
* Deserializes the following object.
* @return the result or {@code null} when EOF.
* @throws IOException from the input stream.
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by {@link #colferSizeMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public Hole next() throws IOException {
if (in == null) return null;
while (true) {
if (this.i > this.offset) {
try {
Hole o = new Hole();
this.offset = o.unmarshal(this.buf, this.offset, this.i);
return o;
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
// not enough data
if (this.i <= this.offset) {
this.offset = 0;
this.i = 0;
} else if (i == buf.length) {
byte[] src = this.buf;
// TODO: better size estimation
if (offset == 0) this.buf = new byte[Math.min(Hole.colferSizeMax, this.buf.length * 4)];
System.arraycopy(src, this.offset, this.buf, 0, this.i - this.offset);
this.i -= this.offset;
this.offset = 0;
assert this.i < this.buf.length;
int n =, i, buf.length - i);
if (n < 0) {
if (this.i > this.offset)
throw new InputMismatchException("colfer: pending data with EOF");
return null;
assert n > 0;
i += n;
* Serializes the object.
* @param out the data destination.
* @param buf the initial buffer or {@code null}.
* @return the final buffer. When the serial fits into {@code buf} then the return is {@code buf}.
* Otherwise the return is a new buffer, large enough to hold the whole serial.
* @throws IOException from {@code out}.
* @throws IllegalStateException on an upper limit breach defined by {@link #colferSizeMax}.
public byte[] marshal(OutputStream out, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
// TODO: better size estimation
if (buf == null || buf.length == 0)
buf = new byte[Math.min(Hole.colferSizeMax, 2048)];
while (true) {
int i;
try {
i = marshal(buf, 0);
} catch (BufferOverflowException e) {
buf = new byte[Math.min(Hole.colferSizeMax, buf.length * 4)];
out.write(buf, 0, i);
return buf;
* Serializes the object.
* @param buf the data destination.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferOverflowException when {@code buf} is too small.
* @throws IllegalStateException on an upper limit breach defined by {@link #colferSizeMax}.
public int marshal(byte[] buf, int offset) {
int i = offset;
try {
if ( != 0.0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 0;
long x = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(;
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 56);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 48);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 40);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 32);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 24);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 16);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 8);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x);
if (this.lon != 0.0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 1;
long x = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(this.lon);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 56);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 48);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 40);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 32);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 24);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 16);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x >>> 8);
buf[i++] = (byte) (x);
if (this.par != 0) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 2;
buf[i++] = this.par;
if (this.water) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 3;
if (this.sand) {
buf[i++] = (byte) 4;
buf[i++] = (byte) 0x7f;
return i;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
if (i - offset > Hole.colferSizeMax)
throw new IllegalStateException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.hole exceeds %d bytes", Hole.colferSizeMax));
if (i > buf.length) throw new BufferOverflowException();
throw e;
* Deserializes the object.
* @param buf the data source.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferUnderflowException when {@code buf} is incomplete. (EOF)
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by {@link #colferSizeMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public int unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset) {
return unmarshal(buf, offset, buf.length);
* Deserializes the object.
* @param buf the data source.
* @param offset the initial index for {@code buf}, inclusive.
* @param end the index limit for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @return the final index for {@code buf}, exclusive.
* @throws BufferUnderflowException when {@code buf} is incomplete. (EOF)
* @throws SecurityException on an upper limit breach defined by {@link #colferSizeMax}.
* @throws InputMismatchException when the data does not match this object's schema.
public int unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset, int end) {
if (end > buf.length) end = buf.length;
int i = offset;
try {
byte header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 0) {
long x = (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 56 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 48 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 40 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 32
| (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 24 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 16 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 8 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL); = Double.longBitsToDouble(x);
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 1) {
long x = (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 56 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 48 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 40 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 32
| (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 24 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 16 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL) << 8 | (buf[i++] & 0xffL);
this.lon = Double.longBitsToDouble(x);
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 2) {
this.par = buf[i++];
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 3) {
this.water = true;
header = buf[i++];
if (header == (byte) 4) {
this.sand = true;
header = buf[i++];
if (header != (byte) 0x7f)
throw new InputMismatchException(format("colfer: unknown header at byte %d", i - 1));
} finally {
if (i > end && end - offset < Hole.colferSizeMax) throw new BufferUnderflowException();
if (i < 0 || i - offset > Hole.colferSizeMax)
throw new SecurityException(format("colfer: com/example/demo.hole exceeds %d bytes", Hole.colferSizeMax));
if (i > end) throw new BufferUnderflowException();
return i;
// {@link Serializable} version number.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5L;
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// TODO: better size estimation
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int n;
while (true) try {
n = marshal(buf, 0);
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
buf = new byte[4 * buf.length];
out.write(buf, 0, n);
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
int n = in.readInt();
byte[] buf = new byte[n];
unmarshal(buf, 0);
// {@link Serializable} Colfer extension.
private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException {
* Gets com/example/
* @return the value.
public double getLat() {
* Sets com/example/
* @param value the replacement.
public void setLat(double value) { = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.hole.lon.
* @return the value.
public double getLon() {
return this.lon;
* Sets com/example/demo.hole.lon.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setLon(double value) {
this.lon = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.hole.par.
* @return the value.
public byte getPar() {
return this.par;
* Sets com/example/demo.hole.par.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setPar(byte value) {
this.par = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.hole.water.
* @return the value.
public boolean getWater() {
return this.water;
* Sets com/example/demo.hole.water.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setWater(boolean value) {
this.water = value;
* Gets com/example/demo.hole.sand.
* @return the value.
public boolean getSand() {
return this.sand;
* Sets com/example/demo.hole.sand.
* @param value the replacement.
public void setSand(boolean value) {
this.sand = value;
public final int hashCode() {
int h = 1;
long _latBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(;
h = 31 * h + (int) (_latBits ^ _latBits >>> 32);
long _lonBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.lon);
h = 31 * h + (int) (_lonBits ^ _lonBits >>> 32);
h = 31 * h + (this.par & 0xff);
h = 31 * h + (this.water ? 1231 : 1237);
h = 31 * h + (this.sand ? 1231 : 1237);
return h;
public final boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Hole && equals((Hole) o);
public final boolean equals(Hole o) {
if (o == null) return false;
if (o == this) return true;
return o.getClass() == Hole.class
&& ( == || ( != && !=
&& (this.lon == o.lon || (this.lon != this.lon && o.lon != o.lon))
&& this.par == o.par
&& this.water == o.water
&& this.sand == o.sand;
// Code generated by colf(1); DO NOT EDIT.
// The compiler used schema file demo.colf.
* Package demo offers a demonstration.
* These comment lines will end up in the generated code.
package com.example.demo;
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