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Last active August 28, 2024 05:20
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An AppleScript to unmount all ejectable disks so I can unplug my MacBook from my dock
-- An AppleScript to unmount all ejectable disks so I can unplug my MacBook from my dock
-- map this script to a hotkey with an app like Keyboard Maestro - I use Cmd+End
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "Finder"
display notification "Please wait…" with title "Unmounting disks"
-- some of my disks are finicky so I repeat this three times
-- but it's usually pretty fast
repeat 3 times
set theDisks to every disk whose ejectable is true
repeat with theDisk in theDisks
set theDiskname to name of theDisk
if disk theDiskname exists then
eject disk theDiskname
end if
end repeat
end repeat
-- make sure it worked
set notEjected to 0
repeat with theDisk in theDisks
set theDiskname to name of theDisk
if length of theDiskname < 20 then
if disk theDiskname exists then
set notEjected to notEjected + 1
end if
end if
end repeat
if notEjected is equal to 0 then
display notification "Get out of here." with title "All disks unmounted" sound name "Glass"
display notification "There was a problem unmounting some disks." with title "Oops!"
end if
end tell
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pascalpp commented Aug 6, 2023

Better version of this using diskutil CLI:

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