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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var Backbone = require('backbone'),
_ = require('underscore');
2014-02-20 by pascal
Backbone.When is a mixin which adds event history to objects with Backbone.Events
var When = require('lib/backbone.when');
SomeObject can be any Backbone class which has Backbone.Events mixed in.
SomeObject will now have a .when method, so that other modules can do:
SomeObject.when('ready', handler, context);
// or any other event name, not just 'ready'
and if 'ready' has already been triggered on SomeObject, the handler will
be called immediately. If not, a once listener will be set on the object
so that when the event eventually gets triggered, the handler will fire.
var When = {};
// use this method to apply Backbone.When to your object
When.applyTo = function(obj) {
if (obj && obj.prototype && obj.prototype.on === Backbone.Events.on) {
// item already has Backbone.Events
// so it's safe to mixin Backbone.When
_.extend(obj.prototype, When.Events);
} else {
console.error('This object does not have Backbone.Events');
When.Events = {
// override Backbone.Events.trigger to insert an entry into _past_events
trigger: function(event_name) {
this._past_events || (this._past_events = {});
var args =, 1);
this._past_events[event_name] = args;
return Backbone.Events.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
forget: function(event_name) {
this._past_events || (this._past_events = {});
delete this._past_events[event_name];
// this method checks to see if an event has already been triggered
// if so, the handler is called immediately
// if not, a regular this.once listener is applied
when: function(event_name, handler, context) {
this._past_events || (this._past_events = {});
var past_args = this._past_events[event_name];
if (past_args) {
handler.apply(context, past_args);
return this;
} else {
this.once.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
// similar to .when, this method calls the handler immediately if the
// event has already been triggered, but it sets a .on listener so that
// any subsequent triggers will also call the handler
whenever: function(event_name, handler, context) {
this._past_events || (this._past_events = {});
var past_args = this._past_events[event_name];
if (past_args) {
handler.apply(context, past_args);
this.on.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
return When;
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This is an AMD module I wrote. I looked around for the ability to track event history with Backbone.Events but didn’t find a solution, so I wrote this one. I’m somewhat new to Backbone, so feedback on this idea from experienced Backbone developers would be most welcome.

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