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Last active August 15, 2021 10:05
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ArrayAdapter for RecyclerView

ArrayAdapter is now a library 🎉

Project on github: passsy/ArrayAdapter

dependencies {
    compile 'com.pascalwelsch.arrayadapter:arrayadapter:1.2.0'
package com.pascalwelsch.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* Simple adapter implementation analog to {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter} for {@link
*}. Holds to a list of objects of type {@link T}
* Created by Pascal Welsch on 04.07.14.
* source:
public abstract class ArrayAdapter<T, VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder>
extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> {
public interface StableIdProvider<T> {
Object getId(T item);
private List<T> mObjects;
public ArrayAdapter(@Nullable final List<T> objects) {
mObjects = objects != null ? objects : new ArrayList<T>();
public ArrayAdapter() {
* Adds the specified object at the end of the array.
* @param object The object to add at the end of the array.
public void add(final T object) {
notifyItemInserted(getItemCount() - 1);
* Adds the specified list of objects at the end of the array.
* @param objects The objects to add at the end of the array.
public void addAll(final List<T> objects) {
if (objects == null) {
} else {
* Inserts the specified object at the specified index in the array.
* @param object The object to insert into the array.
* @param position The index at which the object must be inserted.
public void addItem(final int position, final T object) {
mObjects.add(position, object);
* Adds the specified object to the end of the array.
* @param object The object to append
public void addItem(final T object) {
addItem(mObjects.size(), object);
* Remove all elements from the list.
public void clear() {
final int size = getItemCount();
notifyItemRangeRemoved(0, size);
public T getItem(final int position) {
try {
return mObjects.get(position);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return null;
public int getItemCount() {
return mObjects.size();
public long getItemId(final int position) {
return position;
* Returns the position of the specified item in the array.
* @param item The item to retrieve the position of.
* @return The position of the specified item.
public int getPosition(final T item) {
return mObjects.indexOf(item);
* Removes the specified object from the array.
* @param object The object to remove.
public void remove(T object) {
final int position = getPosition(object);
public void removeLastObject() {
mObjects.remove(mObjects.size() - 1);
notifyItemRemoved(mObjects.size() - 1);
public void replaceItem(final T oldObject, final T newObject) {
final int position = getPosition(oldObject);
mObjects.add(position, newObject);
public void replaceItemWithHeader(final T oldObject, final T newObject) {
final int position = getPosition(oldObject);
mObjects.add(position, newObject);
notifyItemChanged(position + 1);
* Removes all elements and replaces them with the given guys from the list, all done with an
* animation.
* @param objects The new Objects to display
public void replaceObjectsWithAnimations(final List<T> objects) {
* Sorts the content of this adapter using the specified comparator.
* @param comparator The comparator used to sort the objects contained in this adapter.
public void sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
Collections.sort(mObjects, comparator);
notifyItemRangeChanged(0, getItemCount());
* replaces the data with the given list
* @param objects new data
public void swap(final List<T> objects) {
swap(objects, new StableIdProvider<T>() {
public Object getId(final T item) {
// id is unknown, at least return the item itself as id so it doesn't get
// notified when it doesn't change at all.
return item;
* replaces the data with the given list
* @param newObjects new data
* @param idProvider function to determine an identification for each element to detect same
* (but updated) items
public void swap(final List<T> newObjects, final StableIdProvider<T> idProvider) {
DiffUtil.DiffResult result = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(new DiffUtil.Callback() {
public boolean areContentsTheSame(final int oldItemPosition,
final int newItemPosition) {
final T oldItem = mObjects.get(oldItemPosition);
final T newItem = newObjects.get(newItemPosition);
return (oldItem == newItem) || (oldItem != null && oldItem.equals(newItem));
public boolean areItemsTheSame(final int oldItemPosition, final int newItemPosition) {
final T oldItem = mObjects.get(oldItemPosition);
final T newItem = newObjects.get(newItemPosition);
if (oldItem == null && newItem == null) {
return true;
if (oldItem == null || newItem == null) {
return false;
final Object oldId = idProvider.getId(oldItem);
final Object newId = idProvider.getId(newItem);
return (oldId == newId) || (oldId != null && oldId.equals(newId));
public int getNewListSize() {
return newObjects != null ? newObjects.size() : 0;
public int getOldListSize() {
return mObjects != null ? mObjects.size() : 0;
mObjects = newObjects;
protected T removeItem(final int position) {
final T object = mObjects.remove(position);
return object;
protected T removeItemWithHeader(final int position) {
final T object = mObjects.remove(position);
notifyItemRemoved(position + 1);
return object;
private void animateAddObjects(final List<T> objects) {
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
final T object = objects.get(i);
if (!mObjects.contains(object)) {
private void animateRemoveObjects(final List<T> objects) {
for (int i = mObjects.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final T object = mObjects.get(i);
if (!objects.contains(object)) {
private void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition) {
final T object = mObjects.remove(fromPosition);
mObjects.add(toPosition, object);
notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition);
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