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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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  • Save pasupulaphani/8695841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pasupulaphani/8695841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
commit to github via api using octokit library
require 'json'
require 'pp'
require 'base64'
require 'octokit'
require_relative "./GitHubClient"
env = ENV['BACKUP_ENV'] || 'dev'
config_file = "../config/#{env}.backup.json"
config = JSON.parse(['github'];
@client = :access_token => config["token"]
repo = @client.repo config["backup"]["repo"]
ref = 'heads/master'
file = "#{config["backup"]["folder"]}/api_test.json"
branch = config["backup"]["branch"]
file_info = @client.contents(repo.full_name, :path => file, :branch => branch).to_hash
rescue Octokit::NotFound => e
puts "404 : #{file} not found in #{repo.full_name}"
puts e.message
# you can call create method and then exit
rescue Exception => e
puts "you are screwed"
puts "An error of type #{e.class} happened, message is #{e.message}"
# pp file_info
pp "Content before commit : #{file_info[:path]}"
pp Base64.decode64(file_info[:content]).delete("\n")
new_content = "test3"
# Following 5 steps from
################### Step 1 ###################
# GET /repos/:user/:repo/git/refs/heads/master
# Store the SHA for the latest commit (SHA-LATEST-COMMIT)
sha_latest_commit = @client.ref(repo.full_name, ref).object.sha
################### Step 2 ###################
# GET /repos/:user/:repo/git/commits/SHA-LATEST-COMMIT
# Store the SHA for the tree (SHA-BASE-TREE)
sha_base_tree = @client.commit(repo.full_name, sha_latest_commit).commit.tree.sha
################### Step 3 ###################
# POST /repos/:user/:repo/git/trees/ while authenticated
# Set base_tree to be SHA-BASE-TREE
# Set path to be the full path of the file you are creating or editing
# Set content to be the full contents of the file
# From the response, get the top-level SHA (SHA-NEW-TREE)
blob_sha = @client.create_blob(repo.full_name, Base64.encode64(new_content), "base64")
sha_new_tree = @client.create_tree(repo.full_name,
[ { :path => file_info[:path],
:mode => "100644",
:type => "blob",
:sha => blob_sha } ],
{:base_tree => sha_base_tree }).sha
################### Step 4 ###################
# POST /repos/:user/:repo/git/commits while authenticated
# Set parents to be an array containing SHA-LATEST-COMMIT
# Set tree to be SHA-NEW-TREE
# From the response, get the top-level SHA (SHA-NEW-COMMIT)
commit_message = "testing commits via Octokit!"
sha_new_commit = @client.create_commit(repo.full_name, commit_message, sha_new_tree, sha_latest_commit).sha
################### Step 5 ###################
# POST /repos/:user/:repo/git/refs/head/master while authenticated
# Set sha to be SHA-NEW-COMMIT
# You may need to set force to be true
updated_ref = @client.update_ref(repo.full_name, ref, sha_new_commit)
pp "Content updated : #{file_info[:path]}"
pp new_content
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