Dear Senator Lambie,
I am writing in regards to the Medevac Repeal Bill, and to strongly urge you to not allow the repeal to happen.
It is our Government that has imprisoned these people in these remote and unsafe situations, and thus it is our Government that should be providing medical support, especially given the imprisonment is a significant cause in the mental health issues so many of these detainees.
While I’m sure you’re aware of this already, it’s worth noting that the legislation that was passed earlier this year is only for the current set of detainees - it does not apply to any new arrivals, and I feel our Government has been rather obtuse in any suggestions otherwise. Any suggestion that the lack of a repeal makes our country any less safe is a cruel lie.
There have been clear cases of deaths in custody that could have been prevented had proper medical assistance been provided promptly and genuinely, rather than turning these detainees into political pawns. If the repeal goes ahead, it’s quite easy to see further deaths occurring.
So again, I urge you to please not let the repeal vote pass. Please, take a strong stand in our Parliament for a compassionate and respectful Australia.
Kind regards,
Pat Allan