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Patrick Connolly patcon

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patcon / gmail.rc
Created March 7, 2025 19:34 — forked from flatcap/gmail.rc
neomutt config gmail
# To use: change gmail's settings to:
# enable imap:
# Gmail Settings
# Forwarding and POP/IMAP
# create an app password
# App passwords
set imap_login = ""
set imap_pass = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
patcon /
Created October 16, 2020 00:42 — forked from JoelGeraci-Datalogics/
This Gist will convert a Static XFA Form to an AcroForm by removing the XFA dictionary.
* Copyright Datalogics, Inc. 2015
package pdfjt.cookbook.forms;
patcon /
Created November 21, 2017 19:53 — forked from tschaub/
TopoJSON Time Zones

TopoJSON Time Zones

The result is this 181 KB timezones.json (36 KB with gzip)

patcon /
Last active October 26, 2016 08:12 — forked from olasd/
Stream video to youtube via ffmpeg
#! /bin/bash
# Diffusion youtube avec ffmpeg
# Configurer youtube avec une résolution 720p. La vidéo n'est pas scalée.
VBR="2500k" # Bitrate de la vidéo en sortie
FPS="30" # FPS de la vidéo en sortie
QUAL="medium" # Preset de qualité FFMPEG
YOUTUBE_URL="rtmp://" # URL de base RTMP youtube
patcon /
Created May 25, 2016 18:20 — forked from rtt/
Tinder API Documentation

Tinder API documentation

I've sniffed most of the Tinder API to see how it works. You can use this to create bots (etc) very trivially. Some example python bot code is here -> (horribly quick and dirty, you've been warned!)

Note: this was written in April/May 2014 and the API may have changed since. I have nothing to do with Tinder, nor their API, and I do not offer any support for anything you may build on top of this

API Details

# Description:
# Submit time query to
# Commands:
# hubot time - Current time in UTC
# hubot time <timezone> - Current time in timezone
# hubot time <timezone> <query> - Time in timezone based on query
module.exports = (robot) ->

1.1 Definition of Role

A “Role” is an organizational entity with a “Purpose” to express, “Domains” to control, and “Accountabilities” to perform.

1.2 Responsibilities of Role-Filling

When filling a Role, a Partner accepts the following responsibilities:

1.2.1 Processing Tensions

A Partner is responsible for sensing “Tensions” for that Role and processing them. A Tension is a gap between what is, and what could be better.

1.2.2 Processing Accountabilities

A Partner is responsible for breaking down their Role’s Accountabilities into Projects and Next-Actions to move them forward. A Project is an outcome to achieve, and a Next-Action is a concrete, physical action that could be executed immediately if time allowed.

1.2.3 Processing Projects

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# this is a special meta-check. It runs ping checks against all hosts in
# the /endpoints API and sends individual results directly to sensu-client via
# the udp/3030 client socket. this is different from the normal sensu check model
# where individual scripts run and their exit status and output is used to create
# a single event.
# the reason for this check is to be able to dynamically ping a list of hosts
# without the race conditions and timing issues involved with creating individual
# Setup and start Sauce Connect for your TravisCI build
# This script requires your .travis.yml to include the following two private env variables:
# Follow the steps at to set that up.
# Curl and run this script as part of your .travis.yml before_script section:
# before_script:
# Setup and start Sauce Connect for your TravisCI build
# This script requires your .travis.yml to include the following two private env variables:
# Follow the steps at to set that up.
# Curl and run this script as part of your .travis.yml before_script section:
# before_script: