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Created June 3, 2020 03:01
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A minimal command-line "fetch-like" utility.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Since I hop between similar ssh hosts,
# the colorful border tells me where I've landed.
# It's based on hostname lenght and cycles through
# the basic 8 ANSI colors, minus the black.
# Usage:
# $ mfetch --- full color
# $ mfetch plain --- colorless border
# $ mfetch mono --- black and white
#[ "$TERM" = "linux" ] && exit
NAME=("Uptime" "Root" "Home" "Memory")
LINE[0]=$(uptime -p |
sed 's/^up //; s/hour/hr/; s/minute/min/' |
awk '{print $0}')
LINE[1]=$(df -h |
awk '/\/$/ {print $3 " / " $2}')
LINE[2]=$(df -h |
awk '/\/home$/ {print $3 " / " $2}')
LINE[3]=$(free -h |
awk '/^Mem/ {print $3 " / " $2 "\n"}' | sed 's/i//g')
HOST="$(hostname)" L=${#HOST}
while [ "$L" -gt 7 ]
L=$((L - 7))
L=$((L + 30)) L="\033[0;${L}m"
A=("\033[1;36m" "\033[0;37m") B=("\033[1;40;32m" "\033[0;40;37m") R="\033[0m"
[ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" = "plain" ] && L="\033[0m"
[ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" = "mono" ] && L="\033[0m" A= B=
printf "${L}%s%28s%s${R}\n" " ╔" "[${HOST}]" "╗" | sed 's/ /═/g; s/═/ /'
for ((i = 0; i < ${#LINE[@]}; i++))
if [ ! "${LINE[$i]}" = "" ]
C=(${A[@]}) A=(${B[@]}) B=(${C[@]})
printf " ${L}%s${C[0]} %-6s" "║" "${NAME[$i]}"
printf "${C[1]}%20s ${L}%s${R}\n" "${LINE[$i]}" "║"
printf "${L}%s${R}\n\n" " ╚════════════════════════════╝"
tmux ls 2>/dev/null |
grep -cv "attached" |
awk '{
if ($0 == 1) print "There is 1 detached tmux session."
else if ($0 > 1) print "There are " $0 " detached tmux sessions."
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