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Last active February 18, 2025 18:48
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Export Fidelity Positions to
pv_export_long_history = '~/Downloads/pv_export_long_history.csv'
overrides = {
'MCDS': 'VOE',
'NIXT': 'SPY',
'EZBC': cash,
'CAOS': cash,
'HYGI': 'HYG',
'CRIT': 'XME',
'UPAR': 'DBC',
'KRBN': cash,
'IETC': 'PPA',
'DFEN': 'PPA',
'NANR': 'IEO',
'CIBR': cash,
'AIRR': 'PKB',
'USDU': 'UUP',
'RSBA': 'MNA',
'GOLY': 'IAU',
overrides_df = pl.DataFrame({'Symbol': list(overrides.keys()), 'Symbol Override': list(overrides.values())})
portfolio = (portfolio
.join(overrides_df, on='Symbol', how='left')
.group_by(pl.coalesce(pl.col('Symbol Override'), pl.col('Symbol')).alias('Symbol'))
.sort(pl.col('Weight'), descending=True)
print(f'Wrote {len(portfolio)} securities to {pv_export_long_history}')
import polars as pl
fidelity_export = '~/Downloads/Portfolio_Positions_Feb-18-2025.csv'
pv_export = '~/Downloads/pv_export.csv'
account_name = 'Personal'
cash = '^CASHUS'
def money_col(name): return pl.col(name).str.replace_all(r'[$,]', '').cast(pl.Float32)
portfolio = (pl
.filter(pl.col('Account Name') == account_name)
.filter(~pl.col('Symbol').str.starts_with(' -')) # remove options
pl.col('Symbol').str.replace_all(r'^(SPAXX|Pending).*', cash), # Cash positions
money_col('Last Price').alias('Price'),
money_col('Current Value'),
# Sometimes current value is empty (e.g when security is in margin)
.with_columns(pl.coalesce(pl.col('Current Value'), pl.col('Quantity') * pl.col('Price')).alias('Value'))
total = portfolio['Value'].sum()
portfolio = (portfolio
.with_columns((100 * pl.col('Value')/total).alias('Weight'))
# sometimes the same security is listed multiple times e.g. when it is loaned out
.sort(pl.col('Weight'), descending=True)
print(f'Wrote {len(portfolio)} securities to {pv_export}')
total, portfolio
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