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Created April 14, 2018 21:48
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Chiropractic care Yes
Co-payment (medical, in-network) Yes
Contact lenses and solutions Yes
Dental Yes
Hospital fees Yes
Lab (medical) Yes
Mileage (for travel to/from eligible health care) Yes
Office visit (medical) Yes
Orthodontia Yes
Over-the-counter (drugs and medicines) Yes (Rx)
Psych / therapy Yes
Rx (prescription) Yes
Vision Yes
X-ray (medical) Yes
Acne treatments (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Acupuncture Yes
Adoption (medical expenses related to) Yes
Adoption fees No
Alcoholism treatment Yes
Allergy & sinus medicine and products (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Allergy medication Yes (Rx)
Allergy treatments and products Yes (Letter)
Alternative dietary supplements (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Alternative drugs, medicines and treatment products (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Alternative healers (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Ambulance and emergency health services Yes
Anesthesia (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes
Antacid (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Antibiotic ointment (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Aspirin or other pain reliever (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Asthma medicines or treatments (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Athletic treatments / braces Yes
Bandages and related items (over-the-counter) Yes
Birth control (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Birth control (prescription) Yes
Blood pressure monitor Yes
Body scans Yes
Braille books and magazines (difference in cost only) Yes
Breast pump (for a lactating woman) Yes
Breast reconstruction surgery (following mastectomy) Yes (Letter)
Breastfeeding classes Yes
COBRA premiums (dental; paid with after-tax dollars only) No
COBRA premiums (medical; paid with after-tax dollars only) No
COBRA premiums (other; paid with after-tax dollars only) No
COBRA premiums (prescription; paid with after-tax dollars only) No
COBRA premiums (vision; paid with after-tax dollars only) No
CPR classes (adult or child) No
Cancer (fixed-indemnity) insurance premiums No
Canker & cold sore treatments (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Car modifications (as required for a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed health care professional) Yes (Letter)
Chest rubs (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Child or newborn care instruction No
Childbirth classes (charges for mother only) Yes
Chiropractic office visit or treatment Yes
Cholesterol test kits and supplies Yes
Christian Science practitioners Yes
Co-insurance (dental, in-network) Yes
Co-insurance (dental, out-of-network) Yes
Co-insurance (medical, in-network) Yes
Co-insurance (medical, out-of-network) Yes
Co-insurance (prescription, in-network) Yes
Co-insurance (prescription, out-of-network) Yes
Co-insurance (vision, in-network) Yes
Co-insurance (vision, out-of-network) Yes
Co-payment (dental, in-network) Yes
Co-payment (dental, out-of-network) Yes
Co-payment (medical, in-network) Yes
Co-payment (medical, out-of-network) Yes
Co-payment (other, in-network) Yes
Co-payment (other, out-of-network) Yes
Co-payment (vision, in-network) Yes
Co-payment (vision, out-of-network) Yes
Cold & flu medicine (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Cold cream (over-the-counter) No
Compression or anti-embolism socks, stockings or hose Yes (Letter)
Concierge medical fees (billed for actual services received) Yes
Concierge medical fees (billed for future availability of services, with no services actually received) No
Condoms Yes
Contraceptives (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Contraceptives (prescription) Yes
Cord blood storage (for future treatment of a birth defect or known medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Cord blood storage (for unidentified future use) No
Corn and callus remover (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Corneal keratotomy Yes
Cosmetic procedures or surgery No
Cosmetic procedures or surgery for birth defects, accidents, and/or disease Yes (Letter)
Cough drops & sore throat lozenges (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Cough syrup (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Counseling (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes
Counseling (marriage) No
Crutches, canes, walkers or like equipment (purchase or rental) Yes
Dancing lessons (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Deductible (dental, in-network) Yes
Deductible (dental, out-of-network) Yes
Deductible (medical, in-network) Yes
Deductible (medical, out-of-network) Yes
Deductible (prescription, in-network) Yes
Deductible (prescription, out-of-network) Yes
Deductible (vision, in-network) Yes
Deductible (vision, out-of-network) Yes
Dental Co-insurance (in-network) Yes
Dental Co-insurance (out-of-network) Yes
Dental Co-payment (in-network) Yes
Dental Co-payment (out-of-network) Yes
Dental care (for non-cosmetic purposes, including sealants) Yes
Dental insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Dental products for general health No
Dental reconstruction (including implants) Yes
Dental veneers Yes (Letter)
Dentures, bridges, etc. Yes
Dermatology treatments and products Yes (Letter)
Diabetic monitors, test kits, strips and supplies Yes
Diagnostic services (dental or vision) Yes
Diagnostic services (other than dental or vision) Yes
Diaper rash ointments and creams Yes (Rx)
Diapers and diaper services No
Dietary supplements (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Doula or birthing coach Yes (Letter)
Drug addiction treatment Yes
Drugs (imported) No
Drugs (prescription) Yes
Dyslexia treatment Yes (Letter)
Ear drops & wax removal (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Educational classes or tuition No
Electrolysis No
Emergency kits (over-the-counter) No
Exercise equipment or program (as treatment for a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed health care professional) Yes (Letter)
Eye drops and treatments (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Eye examinations Yes
Eye related equipment/materials Yes
Eye surgery or treatment to correct vision Yes
Eyeglasses (over-the-counter) Yes
Eyeglasses (prescription) Yes
Face lifts No
Feminine hygiene products No
Fertility monitor (over-the-counter) Yes
Fertility treatment (for employee, spouse or dependent) Yes
Fertility treatment (for non-dependent surrogate) No
First aid kits (over-the-counter) Yes
Fitness programs (as treatment for a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed health care professional) Yes (Letter)
Flu shots Yes
Funeral expenses No
Gastrointestinal medication (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Guide dog (dog, training, care) Yes
Hair regrowth products No
Hair removal No
Hair transplant No
Hair treatments No
Hand lotion (over-the-counter) No
Health club dues (as treatment for a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed health care professional) Yes (Letter)
Health insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Health savings account (HSA) contributions No
Hearing aids and batteries Yes
Herbal or homeopathic medicines (over-the-counter) Yes (Letter)
Home improvements (as required for a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed health care professional) Yes (Letter)
Hospital (fixed indemnity) insurance premiums No
Hospital services and fees Yes
Household help No
Humidifier, air filter and supplies Yes (Letter)
Illegal operations or substances No
Immunizations Yes
Incontinence supplies Yes
Individual dental insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Individual insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Individual medical insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Individual prescription insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Individual vision insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Infertility treatment (for employee, spouse or dependent) Yes
Insulin, testing materials and supplies Yes
Insurance / plan premiums (paid with pre-tax dollars) No
Insurance or health insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Laboratory fees Yes
Lactose intolerance (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Lamaze classes (charges for mother only) Yes
Laser eye surgery Yes
Lasik Yes
Late payment fees charged by health care provider No
Laxatives (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Learning disability treatments Yes
Lice treatment (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Listening therapy Yes
Lodging (limited to $50 per night for patient to receive medical care and $50 per night for one caregiver) Yes (Letter)
Long term care premiums (up to IRS tax-free limit, see IRS Publication 502) No
Long term care services No
Long term disability insurance premiums No
Magnetic therapy (over-the-counter) Yes (Letter)
Massage therapy (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Mastectomy-related special bras Yes
Maternity clothes No
Medical Co-insurance (in-network) Yes
Medical Co-insurance (out-of-network) Yes
Medical Co-payment (in-network) Yes
Medical Co-payment (out-of-network) Yes
Medical abortion Yes
Medical equipment (for treatment of medical condition) and repairs Yes
Medical insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Medical literature, books, pamphlets or audio No
Medical monitoring and testing devices Yes
Medical records charges Yes
Medical savings account (MSA) contributions No
Medical supplies (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes
Medicare Part B insurance / plan premiums No
Medicare alternative insurance / plan premiums (vs. Part A & Part B, paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Medicare supplement policy premiums No
Medicines (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Medicines (prescription) Yes
Midwife Yes
Mileage (for travel to / from anything other than eligible care) No
Modified equipment (difference in cost only) Yes (Letter)
Monitors & test kits (over-the-counter) Yes
Motion & nausea Yes (Rx)
Nasal sprays Yes (Rx)
Nasal strips (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
No show fees charged by health care provider No
Non-prescription drugs and medicines (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes (Rx)
Norplant insertion or removal Yes
Nursing services (wages and taxes) Yes
Nutritional supplements (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
OB/GYN fees Yes
Occlusal guards to prevent teeth grinding Yes
Occupational therapy (related to a medical condition or disability) Yes
Office visits (chiro) Yes
Office visits (dental) Yes
Office visits (medical) Yes
Office visits (psych/therapy) Yes
Office visits (vision) Yes
Operations (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes
Operations (for vision and dental only) Yes
Optometrist / ophthalmologist fees Yes
Oral care (over-the-counter) No
Organ transplants (recipient and donor) Yes
Ortho keratotomy Yes
Orthodontia (braces and retainers) Yes
Orthopedic & surgical supports Yes
Orthopedic shoes and inserts (difference in cost only of specialized orthopedic shoe over like non-specialized shoe) Yes (Letter)
Orthotics Yes
Over-the-counter acne treatments Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter allergy & sinus medicine Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter antacid Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter antibiotic ointment Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter aspirin or other pain reliever Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter asthma medicines or treatments Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter bandages and related items Yes
Over-the-counter canker & cold sore treatments Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter chest rubs Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter cold & flu medicine Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter cold & flu prevention Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter cold cream No
Over-the-counter cough drops & sore throat lozenges Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter cough syrup Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter health care products (eligible) Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter health care products (not eligible) No
Over-the-counter medication (including for motion sickness, sleep aids and sedatives) Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter products for dental, oral and teething pain Yes (Rx)
Over-the-counter products for general dental care No
Ovulation monitor (over-the-counter) Yes
Oxygen Yes
Pain reliever (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Parental fees (billed for actual services received for disabled children) Yes
Parental fees (billed for future availability of services, with no services actually received for disabled children) No
Personal use items (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.) No
Physical exams Yes
Physical therapy Yes
Physician retainer fee (for on-call or concierge services) No
Pregnancy tests (over-the-counter) Yes
Prescription Co-insurance (in-network) Yes
Prescription Co-insurance (out-of-network) Yes
Prescription Co-payment (in-network) Yes
Prescription Co-payment (out-of-network) Yes
Prescription drugs (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes
Prescription drugs for cosmetic purposes No
Prescription drugs for hair regrowth No
Prescription insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Propecia (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Rx)
Prosthesis Yes
Psychiatric care Yes
Psychoanalysis Yes
Psychologist fees Yes
Radial keratotomy (RK) Yes
Reading glasses (over-the-counter) Yes
Reconstructive surgery (following accident or medical procedure or condition) Yes (Letter)
Removal of benign mole, cyst or tumor Yes
Retainer fee (to physician for on-call or concierge services) No
Retin-A (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes (Rx)
Rogaine or other hair regrowth medications (even if prescribed) No
Sales tax, shipping and handling fees (for any eligible expense) Yes
Smoking cessation (programs / counseling) Yes
Smoking cessation drugs (prescription) Yes
Smoking cessation gum or patches (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Special equipment Yes (Letter)
Special foods (gluten-free, salt-free or other for treatment of a medical condition; difference in cost only) Yes (Letter)
Special school (for mental and physical disabilities) Yes (Letter)
Speech therapy Yes
Spermicidals Yes (Rx)
Sterilization Yes
Student health fees for dental services (billed for actual services received) Yes
Student health fees for dental services (no services actually received, billed for future availability of services) No
Student health fees for medical services (billed for actual services received) Yes
Student health fees for medical services (no services actually received, billed for future availability of services) No
Student health fees for prescription services (no services actually received, billed for future availability of services) No
Student health fees for prescriptions (billed for actual services received) Yes
Student health fees for vision services (billed for actual services received) Yes
Student health fees for vision services (no services actually received, billed for future availability of services) No
Sunglasses (over-the-counter) No
Sunglasses (prescription) Yes
Sunscreen with SPF 15+ and "broad spectrum", sunburn creams and ointments (over-the-counter) Yes
Sunscreen with SPF <15 or suntan lotion (over-the-counter) No
Supplies (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes
Surgery (for non-cosmetic purposes) Yes
Swimming lessons (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Teeth bleaching or whitening No
Teeth grinding prevention devices Yes
Therapy (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes
Toothache and teething pain reliever (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Toothpaste, medicated (difference in cost only of medicated toothpaste over the standard toothpaste) Yes (Rx)
Toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, etc. No
Transgender treatments / surgery Yes (Letter)
Transportation, parking and related travel expenses (essential to receive eligible care) Yes
Transportation, parking and related travel expenses, for non-eligible expenses No
Tubal ligation Yes
Tuition or educational classes No
Tuition or educational classes (for a specific medical condition) Yes (Letter)
UV protection clothing No
Urological products Yes
Vaccinations Yes
Varicose vein removal surgery (for medical care) Yes
Vasectomy Yes
Viagra and similar prescription medications Yes
Vision Co-insurance (in-network) Yes
Vision Co-insurance (out-of-network) Yes
Vision Co-payment (in-network) Yes
Vision Co-payment (out-of-network) Yes
Vision insurance / plan premiums (paid with after-tax dollars only) No
Vitamins (over-the-counter, for general health purposes) No
Vitamins (prescription) Yes
Walking aids (canes, walkers, crutches and related supplies) Yes
Warranties or other charges for future anticipated services (with none actually received) No
Wart removal treatments (over-the-counter) Yes (Rx)
Weight loss counseling Yes (Letter)
Weight loss drugs (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Rx)
Weight loss foods No
Weight loss program (for treatment of a medical condition) Yes (Letter)
Weight loss program (to improve or maintain general health) No
Wheelchair and repairs Yes
Wound care (over-the-counter) Yes
X-ray fees (dental) Yes
X-ray fees (medical) Yes
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