#Add Social Icons and Customize Contact Fields in Admin User Profile
This snippet is for manualy creating and adding social icons in the Genesis Framework and pull the links to the social media accounts from custom contact link fields in the admin user profile.
This snippet related to the Genesis Framework, though the majority of the code can be adjusted to work outside of genesis, and the code for modifying the User profile_fields is not Genesis specific.
I wanted a simple way to manualy add in social media links within the websites and particulerly in the primary menu (which menu is targeted can be changed). This would allow the social icons to be adaptive and collaps and expand within the menu. I also wanted the links to those social media accounts to be easily updatable so I customized the admin User contact feilds and draw the links from their. As written, the code would need to be manualy updated to add additional social media links (though this could be changed and the unused links conditionaly left out). But for my case, simple was better.
For additional customizable permeates, see the codex links under References.
<div class="social-icons">
<span><a class="icon-facebook icon" href=" ' .get_the_author_meta('facebook',1). ' " target="_blank"></a></span>
<span><a class="icon-instagram icon" href=" ' .get_the_author_meta('instagram',1). ' " target="_blank"></a></span>