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Last active December 26, 2024 16:22
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Advent of Code 2024
"""Solutions for 2024 Advent of Code puzzles.
import argparse
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import cmp_to_key
from itertools import permutations, product
from math import gcd, log2, prod
import re
def day_1_part_1():
"""Solve Day 1 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_1.txt') as in_file:
locations = [
[int(x) for x in line.split()]
for line in in_file
left, right = zip(*locations)
return sum(abs(l - r) for l, r in zip(sorted(left), sorted(right)))
def day_1_part_2():
"""Solve Day 1 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_1.txt') as in_file:
locations = [
[int(x) for x in line.split()]
for line in in_file
left, right = zip(*locations)
right_count = Counter(right)
return sum(l * right_count[l] for l in left)
def day_2_part_1():
"""Solve Day 2 Part 1 puzzle."""
def check_report(report):
return all(i < j <= i + 3 for i, j in zip(report[:-1], report[1:]))
with open('day_2.txt') as in_file:
reports = [
[int(x) for x in line.split()]
for line in in_file
safe_report_count = 0
for report in reports:
is_safe = check_report(report) or check_report(report[::-1])
safe_report_count += is_safe
return safe_report_count
def day_2_part_2():
"""Solve Day 2 Part 2 puzzle."""
def check_report(report):
return all(i < j <= i + 3 for i, j in zip(report[:-1], report[1:]))
def check_report_slices(report):
return any(
check_report(report[:i] + report[i+1:])
for i in range(len(report))
with open('day_2.txt') as in_file:
reports = [
[int(x) for x in line.split()]
for line in in_file
safe_report_count = 0
for report in reports:
is_safe = check_report(report) or check_report(report[::-1])
if not is_safe:
is_safe = check_report_slices(report) or check_report_slices(report[::-1])
safe_report_count += is_safe
return safe_report_count
def day_3_part_1():
"""Solve Day 3 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_3.txt') as in_file:
memory =
matches = re.findall(r'mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)', memory)
return sum(int(a) * int(b) for a, b in matches)
def day_3_part_2():
"""Solve Day 3 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_3.txt') as in_file:
memory =
enabled = re.sub(r"don't\(\).*?(?:$|do\(\))", '', memory, flags=re.DOTALL)
matches = re.findall(r'mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)', enabled)
return sum(int(a) * int(b) for a, b in matches)
def day_4_part_1():
"""Solve Day 4 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_4.txt') as in_file:
word_search = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
# Add padding to the word search to avoid edge cases
for i, row in enumerate(word_search):
word_search[i] = ['*'] + row + ['*']
padded_row = ['*' for _ in range(len(word_search[0]))]
word_search = [padded_row] + word_search + [padded_row]
count = 0
directions = [
(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1),
(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1),
for y, row in enumerate(word_search):
for x, char in enumerate(row):
if char != 'X':
for dx, dy in directions:
for i, search_char in enumerate('MAS', start=1):
if word_search[y + i * dy][x + i * dx] != search_char:
count += 1
return count
def day_4_part_2():
"""Solve Day 4 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_4.txt') as in_file:
word_search = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
for i, row in enumerate(word_search):
word_search[i] = ['*'] + row + ['*']
padded_row = ['*' for _ in range(len(word_search[0]))]
word_search = [padded_row] + word_search + [padded_row]
count = 0
directions = [(-1, 1), (1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, -1)]
patterns = ['MSMS', 'MMSS', 'SSMM', 'SMSM']
for y, row in enumerate(word_search):
for x, char in enumerate(row):
if char != 'A':
pattern = ''.join(word_search[y + dy][x + dx] for dx, dy in directions)
if pattern in patterns:
count += 1
return count
def day_5_part_1():
"""Solve Day 5 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_5.txt') as in_file:
rule_data, update_data ='\n\n')
rules = {i: set() for i in range(10, 100)}
for rule in rule_data.split('\n'):
before, after = [int(x) for x in rule.split('|')]
total = 0
for update in update_data.split('\n'):
pages = [int(x) for x in update.split(',')]
for i, page in enumerate(pages):
if any(other_page not in rules[page] for other_page in pages[i + 1:]):
total += pages[len(pages) // 2]
return total
def day_5_part_2():
"""Solve Day 5 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_5.txt') as in_file:
rule_data, update_data ='\n\n')
rules = {i: set() for i in range(10, 100)}
for rule in rule_data.split('\n'):
before, after = [int(x) for x in rule.split('|')]
def sort_key(x, y):
if y in rules[x]:
return -1
elif x in rules[y]:
return 1
return 0
total = 0
for update in update_data.split('\n'):
pages = [int(x) for x in update.split(',')]
for i, page in enumerate(pages):
if any(other_page not in rules[page] for other_page in pages[i + 1:]):
total += pages[len(pages) // 2]
return total
def day_6_part_1():
"""Solve Day 6 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_6.txt') as in_file:
lab_map = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
directions = [(0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)]
d = 0
x, y = next((x, y) for y, row in enumerate(lab_map) for x, char in enumerate(row) if char == '^')
while 0 <= x < len(lab_map) and 0 <= y < len(lab_map[0]):
dx, dy = directions[d]
if lab_map[y][x] == '#':
x, y = x - dx, y - dy
d = (d + 1) % 4
lab_map[y][x] = 'X'
x, y = x + dx, y + dy
return sum(row.count('X') for row in lab_map)
def day_6_part_2():
"""Solve Day 6 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_6.txt') as in_file:
lab_map = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
directions = [(0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)]
start = next((x, y) for y, row in enumerate(lab_map) for x, char in enumerate(row) if char == '^')
# Find all the traversed points. These are all we need to check for loops.
x, y = start
d = 0
to_check = set()
while 0 <= x < len(lab_map) and 0 <= y < len(lab_map[0]):
dx, dy = directions[d]
if lab_map[y][x] == '#':
x, y = x - dx, y - dy
d = (d + 1) % 4
if lab_map[y][x] != '^':
to_check.add((x, y))
x, y = x + dx, y + dy
def is_loop(m, x=start[0], y=start[1]):
d = 0
traversed = {(x, y, d)}
while 0 <= x < len(m) and 0 <= y < len(m[0]):
dx, dy = directions[d]
if m[y][x] == '#':
x, y = x - dx, y - dy
d = (d + 1) % 4
elif m[y][x] == 'X' and (x, y, d) in traversed:
return True
m[y][x] = 'X'
traversed.add((x, y, d))
x, y = x + dx, y + dy
return False
total = 0
for x, y in to_check:
new_map = deepcopy(lab_map)
new_map[y][x] = '#'
if is_loop(new_map):
total += 1
return total
def day_7_part_1():
"""Solve Day 7 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_7.txt') as in_file:
equations = []
for line in in_file:
test, values = line.split(': ')
equations.append((int(test), [int(x) for x in values.split()]))
def check_equation(test, values, operators):
total = values[0]
for operator, value in zip(operators, values[1:]):
if total > test:
return False
elif operator == '+':
total += value
elif operator == '*':
total *= value
return total == test
total = 0
for test, values in equations:
for option in product('+*', repeat=len(values)-1):
if check_equation(test, values, option):
total += test
return total
def day_7_part_2():
"""Solve Day 7 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_7.txt') as in_file:
equations = []
for line in in_file:
test, values = line.split(': ')
equations.append((int(test), [int(x) for x in values.split()]))
def check_equation(test, values, operators):
total = values[0]
for operator, value in zip(operators, values[1:]):
if total > test:
return False
elif operator == '+':
total += value
elif operator == '*':
total *= value
elif operator == '|':
total = int(str(total) + str(value))
return total == test
total = 0
for test, values in equations:
for option in product('+*|', repeat=len(values)-1):
if check_equation(test, values, option):
total += test
return total
def day_8_part_1():
"""Solve Day 8 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_8.txt') as in_file:
antenna_map = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
antennas = {}
for y, row in enumerate(antenna_map):
for x, char in enumerate(row):
if char != '.':
antennas.setdefault(char, set()).add((x, y))
antinodes = set()
for points in antennas.values():
for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in permutations(points, 2):
dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
x, y = x2 + dx, y2 + dy
if 0 <= x < len(antenna_map[0]) and 0 <= y < len(antenna_map):
antinodes.add((x, y))
return len(antinodes)
def day_8_part_2():
"""Solve Day 8 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_8.txt') as in_file:
antenna_map = [list(row.strip()) for row in in_file]
antennas = {}
for y, row in enumerate(antenna_map):
for x, char in enumerate(row):
if char != '.':
antennas.setdefault(char, set()).add((x, y))
antinodes = set()
for points in antennas.values():
for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in permutations(points, 2):
dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
divisor = gcd(dx, dy)
dx, dy = dx // divisor, dy // divisor
x, y = x2, y2
while 0 <= x < len(antenna_map[0]) and 0 <= y < len(antenna_map):
antinodes.add((x, y))
x, y = x + dx, y + dy
return len(antinodes)
def day_9_part_1():
"""Solve Day 9 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_9.txt') as in_file:
disk_map = [int(x) for x in]
blocks = []
for i, block_count in enumerate(disk_map):
file_id = i // 2 if i % 2 == 0 else None
blocks += [file_id] * block_count
l, r = 0, len(blocks) - 1
while l < r:
if blocks[r] is None:
r -= 1
elif blocks[l] is not None:
l += 1
blocks[l], blocks[r] = blocks[r], blocks[l]
return sum(i * (x or 0) for i, x in enumerate(blocks))
def day_9_part_2():
"""Solve Day 9 Part 2 puzzle.
This one took me a couple of hours. Lots of fussing with indices before
deciding to rework the data structure.
with open('day_9.txt') as in_file:
disk_map = [int(x) for x in]
disk, spaces, files = [], [], []
for i, block_count in enumerate(disk_map):
is_file = (i % 2 == 0)
if is_file:
files.append((i // 2, block_count, len(disk)))
spaces.append((block_count, len(disk)))
disk += [int(i // 2) if is_file else None for _ in range(block_count)]
while files:
file_id, file_len, file_index = files.pop()
for i, (space_len, space_index) in enumerate(spaces):
if file_index < space_index:
if space_len >= file_len:
disk[file_index:file_index + file_len] = [None] * file_len
disk[space_index:space_index + file_len] = [file_id] * file_len
if space_len > file_len:
spaces[i] = (space_len - file_len, space_index + file_len)
return sum(i * (x or 0) for i, x in enumerate(disk))
def day_10_part_1():
"""Solve Day 10 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_10.txt') as in_file:
topographic_map = [[int(x) for x in row.strip()] for row in in_file]
def traverse(root_x, root_y):
summits = set()
queue = [(root_x, root_y, 0)]
while queue:
x, y, depth = queue.pop(0)
next_depth = depth + 1
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
in_bounds = 0 <= nx < len(topographic_map[0]) and 0 <= ny < len(topographic_map)
if in_bounds and topographic_map[ny][nx] == next_depth:
if next_depth == 9:
summits.add((nx, ny))
queue.append((nx, ny, next_depth))
return len(summits)
total = 0
for y, row in enumerate(topographic_map):
for x, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell == 0:
total += traverse(x, y)
return total
def day_10_part_2():
"""Solve Day 10 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_10.txt') as in_file:
topographic_map = [[int(x) for x in row.strip()] for row in in_file]
def traverse(root_x, root_y):
total = 0
queue = [(root_x, root_y, 0)]
while queue:
x, y, depth = queue.pop(0)
next_depth = depth + 1
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
in_bounds = 0 <= nx < len(topographic_map[0]) and 0 <= ny < len(topographic_map)
if in_bounds and topographic_map[ny][nx] == next_depth:
if next_depth == 9:
total += 1
queue.append((nx, ny, next_depth))
return total
total = 0
for y, row in enumerate(topographic_map):
for x, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell == 0:
total += traverse(x, y)
return total
def day_11_part_1():
"""Solve Day 11 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_11.txt') as in_file:
stones = [int(x) for x in' ')]
def blink(stones):
new_stones = []
for i, stone in enumerate(stones):
stone_str = str(stone)
if stone == 0:
stones[i] = 1
elif len(stone_str) % 2 == 0:
midpoint = len(stone_str) // 2
stones[i] = int(stone_str[:midpoint])
stones[i] = stone * 2024
return stones + new_stones
for _ in range(25):
stones = blink(stones)
return len(stones)
def day_11_part_2():
"""Solve Day 11 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_11.txt') as in_file:
stones = [int(x) for x in' ')]
stone_counts = Counter(stones)
def blink(stone_counts):
new_counts = defaultdict(int)
for stone, count in stone_counts.items():
if stone == 0:
new_counts[1] += count
elif len(str(stone)) % 2 == 1:
new_counts[stone * 2024] += count
div = 10 ** (len(str(stone)) // 2)
new_counts[stone // div] += count
new_counts[stone % div] += count
return new_counts
for _ in range(75):
stone_counts = blink(stone_counts)
return sum(count for _, count in stone_counts.items())
def day_12_part_1():
"""Solve Day 12 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_12.txt') as in_file:
grid = [list(line.strip()) for line in in_file]
visited = [[False] * len(grid[0]) for _ in range(len(grid))]
def flood_fill(x, y, target):
points = set()
in_bounds = 0 <= y < len(grid) and 0 <= x < len(grid[0])
if not in_bounds or visited[y][x] or grid[y][x] != target:
return points
points.add((x, y))
visited[y][x] = True
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
points.update(flood_fill(x + dx, y + dy, target))
return points
def get_area_and_perimeter(points):
area = len(points)
perimeter = 0
for x, y in points:
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
if (x + dx, y + dy) not in points:
perimeter += 1
return area, perimeter
regions = []
for y, row in enumerate(grid):
for x, cell in enumerate(row):
if not visited[y][x]:
points = flood_fill(x, y, cell)
return sum(area * perimeter for area, perimeter in regions)
def day_12_part_2():
"""Solve Day 12 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_12.txt') as in_file:
grid = [list(line.strip()) for line in in_file]
visited = [[False] * len(grid[0]) for _ in range(len(grid))]
def flood_fill(x, y, target):
points = set()
in_bounds = 0 <= y < len(grid) and 0 <= x < len(grid[0])
if not in_bounds or visited[y][x] or grid[y][x] != target:
return points
points.add((x, y))
visited[y][x] = True
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
points.update(flood_fill(x + dx, y + dy, target))
return points
def get_area_and_sides(points):
count = 0
for x, y in points:
# The number of sides is equal to the number of corners
for dx, dy in [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)]:
w, h, d = (x + dx, y), (x, y + dy), (x + dx, y + dy)
# Convex corners
# █. .█ .? ?.
# .? ?. █. .█
if w not in points and h not in points:
count += 1
# Concave corners
# ██ ██ █. .█
# █. .█ ██ ██
if w in points and h in points and d not in points:
count += 1
return len(points), count
regions = []
for y, row in enumerate(grid):
for x, cell in enumerate(row):
if not visited[y][x]:
points = flood_fill(x, y, cell)
return sum(area * sides for area, sides in regions)
def day_13_part_1():
"""Solve Day 13 Part 1 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(
r'Button A: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)\n'
r'Button B: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)\n'
r'Prize: X=(\d+), Y=(\d+)'
def parse(machine):
return [int(x) for x in]
with open('day_13.txt') as in_file:
machines = [parse(machine) for machine in'\n\n')]
# This is a linear algebra problem, where we are given the constants
# a_x * a + b_x * b = prize_x
# a_y * a + b_y * b = prize_y
# min(3 * a + b)
# As a matrix
# [ a_x b_x ] [ a ] = [ prize_x ]
# [ a_y b_y ] [ b ] = [ prize_y ]
total = 0
for a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y, prize_x, prize_y in machines:
det = a_x * b_y - b_x * a_y
if det == 0:
a = (prize_x * b_y - prize_y * b_x) / det
b = (a_x * prize_y - a_y * prize_x) / det
if a >= 0 and b >= 0 and a.is_integer() and b.is_integer():
total += int(3 * a + b)
return total
def day_13_part_2():
"""Solve Day 13 Part 2 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(
r'Button A: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)\n'
r'Button B: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)\n'
r'Prize: X=(\d+), Y=(\d+)'
def parse(machine):
return [int(x) for x in]
with open('day_13.txt') as in_file:
machines = [parse(machine) for machine in'\n\n')]
total = 0
for a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y, prize_x, prize_y in machines:
prize_x += 10000000000000
prize_y += 10000000000000
det = a_x * b_y - b_x * a_y
if det == 0:
a = (prize_x * b_y - prize_y * b_x) / det
b = (a_x * prize_y - a_y * prize_x) / det
if a >= 0 and b >= 0 and a.is_integer() and b.is_integer():
total += int(3 * a + b)
return total
def day_14_part_1():
"""Solve Day 14 Part 1 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(r'p=(\d+),(\d+) v=(-?\d+),(-?\d+)')
with open('day_14.txt') as in_file:
robots = [[int(x) for x in] for robot in in_file]
w, h = 101, 103
for _ in range(100):
for i, (x, y, dx, dy) in enumerate(robots):
x = (x + dx) % w
y = (y + dy) % h
robots[i] = (x, y, dx, dy)
quadrants = [0] * 4
m_x, m_y = w // 2, h // 2
for x, y, _, _ in robots:
if x == m_x or y == m_y:
quadrant = 2 * (x > m_x) + (y > m_y)
quadrants[quadrant] += 1
return prod(quadrants)
def day_14_part_2():
"""Solve Day 14 Part 2 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(r'p=(\d+),(\d+) v=(-?\d+),(-?\d+)')
with open('day_14.txt') as in_file:
robots = [[int(x) for x in] for robot in in_file]
w, h = 101, 103
def render(robots):
grid = [[' '] * w for _ in range(h)]
for x, y, _, _ in robots:
grid[y][x] = '#'
return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in grid)
for number_of_seconds in range(1, 100000):
for i, (x, y, dx, dy) in enumerate(robots):
x = (x + dx) % w
y = (y + dy) % h
robots[i] = (x, y, dx, dy)
# Metric to filter through the search space
row_counts = Counter(y for _, y, _, _ in robots)
col_counts = Counter(x for x, _, _, _ in robots)
max_row = max(row_counts.values())
max_col = max(col_counts.values())
if max_row * max_col > 600:
print(f'\nSeconds = {number_of_seconds}')
return number_of_seconds
def day_15_part_1():
"""Solve Day 15 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_15.txt') as in_file:
raw_map, raw_instructions ='\n\n')
warehouse = [list(row) for row in raw_map.splitlines()]
instructions = raw_instructions.replace('\n', '')
robot = next((x, y)
for y, row in enumerate(warehouse) for x, cell in enumerate(row)
if cell == '@'
moves = {
'^': (0, -1),
'>': (1, 0),
'v': (0, 1),
'<': (-1, 0),
for instruction in instructions:
rx, ry = robot
dx, dy = moves[instruction]
nx, ny = rx + dx, ry + dy
if warehouse[ny][nx] == '#':
elif warehouse[ny][nx] == '.':
robot = (nx, ny)
warehouse[ny][nx] = '@'
warehouse[ry][rx] = '.'
elif warehouse[ny][nx] == 'O':
ox, oy = nx, ny
to_move = []
while warehouse[oy][ox] == 'O':
ox += dx
oy += dy
to_move.append((ox, oy))
if warehouse[oy][ox] == '.':
for x, y in to_move:
warehouse[y][x] = 'O'
robot = (nx, ny)
warehouse[ny][nx] = '@'
warehouse[ry][rx] = '.'
# print('\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in warehouse))
return sum(x + 100 * y
for y, row in enumerate(warehouse) for x, cell in enumerate(row)
if cell == 'O'
def day_15_part_2():
"""Solve Day 15 Part 2 puzzle."""
# Could not think of elegant way of doing this
# Inelegant way was boring
with open('day_15_test.txt') as in_file:
raw_map, raw_instructions ='\n\n')
raw_map = (raw_map
.replace('#', '##')
.replace('O', '[]')
.replace('.', '..')
.replace('@', '@.')
warehouse = [list(row) for row in raw_map.splitlines()]
instructions = raw_instructions.replace('\n', '')
boxes = set()
walls = set()
for y, row in enumerate(warehouse):
for x, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell == '[':
boxes.add((x, y))
elif cell == '#':
walls.add((x, y))
elif cell == '@':
robot = (x, y)
moves = {
'^': (0, -1),
'>': (1, 0),
'v': (0, 1),
'<': (-1, 0),
for instruction in instructions:
rx, ry = robot
dx, dy = moves[instruction]
nx, ny = rx + dx, ry + dy
if (nx, ny) in walls:
# Moving right, hits box
elif dx == 1 and (nx, ny) in boxes:
ox, oy = nx, ny
to_move = []
while (ox, oy) in boxes:
to_move.append((ox, oy))
ox += 2
if (ox, oy) not in walls:
for x, y in to_move:
boxes.add((x + 1, y))
boxes.remove((x, y))
robot = (nx, ny)
# Moving left, hits box
elif dx == -1 and (nx - 1, ny) in boxes:
ox, oy = nx, ny
to_move = []
while (ox, oy) in boxes:
to_move.append((ox, oy))
ox -= 2
if (ox, oy) not in walls:
for x, y in to_move:
boxes.add((x - 1, y))
boxes.remove((x, y))
robot = (nx, ny)
# Moving up, hits left box
elif dy == -1 and (nx, ny) in boxes:
ox, oy = nx, ny
box_row = [(ox, oy)]
to_move = []
for (bx, by) in box_row:
if (bx - 1, by - 1) in boxes:
# Moving up, hits right box
elif dy == -1 and (nx - 1, ny) in boxes:
# Moving down, hits box
elif dy == 1 and ((nx, ny) in boxes or (nx - 1, ny) in boxes):
robot = (nx, ny)
def render():
output = []
for y, _ in enumerate(warehouse):
new_row = ''
for x, _ in enumerate(row):
if (x, y) in walls:
new_row += '#'
elif (x, y) in boxes:
new_row += '['
elif (x - 1, y) in boxes:
new_row += ']'
elif (x, y) == robot:
new_row += '@'
new_row += ' '
return '\n'.join(output)
return sum(x + 100 * y
for y, row in enumerate(warehouse) for x, cell in enumerate(row)
if cell == '['
def day_16_part_1():
"""Solve Day 16 Part 1 puzzle."""
with open('day_16.txt') as in_file:
maze = [list(row) for row in]
start = next((x, y) for y, row in enumerate(maze) for x, cell in enumerate(row) if cell == 'S')
directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
queue = [(start, 0, (1, 0))]
traversed = set()
while True:
(x, y), distance, direction = queue.pop(0)
if maze[y][x] == 'E':
return distance
for dx, dy in directions:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
if maze[ny][nx] == '#' or (nx, ny) in traversed:
if (dx, dy) == direction:
points = 0
elif (-dx, -dy) == direction:
points = 2000
points = 1000
queue.append(((nx, ny), distance + 1 + points, (dx, dy)))
traversed.add((x, y))
queue.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
def day_16_part_2():
"""Solve Day 16 Part 2 puzzle."""
with open('day_16.txt') as in_file:
maze = [list(row) for row in]
start = next((x, y) for y, row in enumerate(maze) for x, cell in enumerate(row) if cell == 'S')
directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
queue = [(start, 0, (1, 0), [start])]
traversed = {}
winning_score = 98484
winning_paths = set()
while queue:
(x, y), distance, direction, path = queue.pop(0)
if maze[y][x] == 'E':
winning_paths |= set(path)
for dx, dy in directions:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
if maze[ny][nx] == '#':
if (dx, dy) == direction:
points = 0
elif (-dx, -dy) == direction:
points = 2000
points = 1000
new_score = distance + 1 + points
if traversed.get((nx, ny), winning_score) < new_score:
p = path.copy()
p.append((nx, ny))
queue.append(((nx, ny), new_score, (dx, dy), p))
traversed[(x, y)] = new_score
queue.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
return len(winning_paths)
def day_17_part_1():
"""Solve Day 17 Part 1 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(
r'Register A: (\d+)\n'
r'Register B: (\d+)\n'
r'Register C: (\d+)\n\n'
r'Program: ([\d,]+)'
with open('day_17.txt') as in_file:
data =
registers = [int(x) for x in data[:-1]]
program = [int(x) for x in data[-1].split(',')]
pointer = 0
output = []
def combo(x):
return x if x < 4 else registers[x - 4]
def adv(x):
registers[0] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
def bxl(x):
registers[1] = registers[1] ^ x
def bst(x):
registers[1] = combo(x) % 8
def jnz(x):
nonlocal pointer
if registers[0] != 0 and pointer != x:
pointer = x - 2
def bxc(x):
registers[1] ^= registers[2]
def out(x):
output.append(combo(x) % 8)
def bdv(x):
registers[1] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
def cdv(x):
registers[2] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
instructions = [adv, bxl, bst, jnz, bxc, out, bdv, cdv]
while pointer < len(program):
opcode, operand = program[pointer:pointer + 2]
pointer += 2
return ','.join(str(x) for x in output)
def day_17_part_2():
"""Solve Day 17 Part 2 puzzle."""
pattern = re.compile(
r'Register A: (\d+)\n'
r'Register B: (\d+)\n'
r'Register C: (\d+)\n\n'
r'Program: ([\d,]+)'
with open('day_17_test.txt') as in_file:
data =
registers = [int(x) for x in data[:-1]]
program = [int(x) for x in data[-1].split(',')]
# Idea is to invert the program and run it backwards
# to get to initial register state
# 2,4,1,1,7,5,4,6,0,3,1,4,5,5,3,0
# bst, bxc, bxl
output = program.copy()
def combo(x):
return x if x < 4 else registers[x - 4]
def adv(x):
registers[0] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
def bxl(x):
registers[1] = registers[1] ^ x
def bst(x):
registers[1] = combo(x) % 8
def jnz(x):
nonlocal pointer
if registers[0] != 0 and pointer != x:
pointer = x - 2
def bxc(x):
registers[1] ^= registers[2]
def out(x):
output.append(combo(x) % 8)
def bdv(x):
registers[1] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
def cdv(x):
registers[2] = registers[0] // 2**combo(x)
instructions = [adv, bxl, bst, jnz, bxc, out, bdv, cdv]
for a in range(100000000, 10000000000000):
if a % 100000 == 0:
registers = [a, 0, 0]
output = []
pointer = 0
while pointer < len(program):
opcode, operand = program[pointer:pointer + 2]
pointer += 2
if ','.join(str(x) for x in output) == data[-1]:
return a
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run 2024 Advent of Code solutions.")
parser.add_argument('day', type=int, choices=range(1, 26), metavar='[1, 25]',
help='Advent code day to run.')
args = parser.parse_args()
part_1, part_2 = locals()[f'day_{}_part_1'], locals()[f'day_{}_part_2']
print(f"Part 1:\n{part_1()}\n")
print(f"Part 2:\n{part_2()}")
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