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Patrick Heeney patrickheeney

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patrickheeney / error.txt
Created September 3, 2017 01:59
Rollup error
Error: 'graphql' is not exported by ../../node_modules/graphql/index.js
at error (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:185:14)
at Module.error (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:8171:3)
at Module.trace (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:8264:10)
at ModuleScope.findDeclaration (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:7872:22)
at Scope.findDeclaration (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:5905:33)
at CallExpression.bind (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:6323:35)
at eachChild.child (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:5674:34)
at keys.forEach.key (node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:5685:5)
at Array.forEach (native)
patrickheeney /
Last active December 12, 2015 19:16
Babel6 Patch
//Use within same directory as node_modules
mv node_modules/babel-runtime node_modules/babel-runtime-bak
git clone [email protected]:loganfsmyth/babel.git node_modules/babel-patch
cd node_modules/babel-patch
git checkout runtime-typeof-error-T6644
npm install
make build-dist
cd ../../
cp -r node_modules/babel-patch/packages/babel-runtime node_modules/babel-runtime
patrickheeney / gist:c4a192cff86194c859f5
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Application Lifecycle

September 25, 2014

Request Cycle (with Service Layer)

  • HTTP Request -> Received by Controller.
  • Controller -> Serializes request data into command.
  • Controller -> Passes Command off to Command Bus.
  • CommandBus -> Resolves Command to Handler.
  • Command Handler -> Receives request and resolves any dependencies, fires any command events to modify the command data before and after handler action, then passes it off to a service layer.
  • Service -> Receives input and handles creation, retreiving and updating entities. It builds up the entities and related entities and hands it off to the repository for persisting and deleting.
Verifying that +patrickheeney is my Bitcoin username. You can send me #bitcoin here:
- name: virtualhosts | remove default sites
file: >
path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ item }}
- 'default'
- 'default.conf'
- '000-default'
- '000-default.conf'
- 'default-ssl'
vagrant@protobox:/vagrant/ansible_src/test/integration$ sudo TEST_FLAGS="--tags test_git" make
ansible-playbook non_destructive.yml -i inventory -e @integration_config.yml -v --tags test_git
PLAY [testhost] ***************************************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [testhost]
TASK: [test_git | set role facts] *********************************************
ok: [testhost] => {"ansible_facts": {"checkout_dir": "~/ansible_testing/git", "known_host_files": ["/home/vagrant/.ssh/known_hosts", "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"], "repo_format1": "", "repo_format2": "[email protected]:jimi-c/test_role.git", "repo_format3": "ssh://[email protected]/jimi-c/test_role.git"}, "item": ""}
- name: Core
hosts: all
- name: get home of current user
debug: msg="Value of ansible_env['HOME'] is {{ansible_env['HOME']}}"
- name: get value of current user
debug: msg="Value of ansible_env['USER'] is {{ansible_env['USER']}}"
- debug: var=ansible_env
- name: ntp | install debian ntp
/*APP.core = {
fire: function( controller, page_action ) {
var action = ( !page_action || page_action === "" ) ? "init" : page_action;
if ( controller !== "" && APP[controller] && typeof APP[controller][action] == "function" ) {
- name: debian | get the key
apt_key: >
sudo: yes
TASK: [rabbitmq | debian | get the key] ***************************************
failed: [localhost] => {"failed": true, "item": "", "parsed": false}
// Command: optimize
gulp.task('optimize', ['imagemin']);
// Command: watch
gulp.task('watch', function () {