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Last active December 2, 2016 05:49
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Sample of how to use lists to select from multiple predefined choices in Ansible


- name: "Provision system(s) in Rackspace"
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: yes

    - name: "rax_flavor"
      prompt: >
        What flavor server should be provisioned?
          1. 1 GB (general1-1)
          2. 15 GB (memory1-15)
          3. 15 GB (compute1-15)
          4. 30 GB (memory1-30)
          5. 30 GB (compute1-30)
        Please choose the desired flavor. Press enter for default (#1 - 1GB) flavor.
      default: "1"
      private: no

    - name: "provision_cinder_volume"
      prompt: "\nProvision a Cinder data volume? Press enter for default (true).\n"
      private: no
      default: "true"

    - name: "rax_cbs_volume_type"
      prompt: >
        What type of disk do you want to provision?
          1. SATA
          2. SSD
        Please choose the disk type. Press enter for default (SATA).
      default: "1"
      private: no

    - name: "rax_cbs_size"
      prompt: >
        What size disk do you want to provision?
          1. 50GB (Minimum SSD disk size)
          2. 75GB (Minimum SATA disk size)
          3. 100GB
          4. 150GB
          5. 200GB
        Please choose the disk size. Press enter for default (75GB).
      default: "2"
      private: no

# <snip>

    - rackspace-provision


  "1": "general1-1"
  "2": "memory1-15"
  "3": "compute1-15"
  "4": "memory1-30"
  "5": "compute1-30"

  "1": "SATA"
  "2": "SSD"

  "1": "50"
  "2": "75"
  "3": "100"
  "4": "150"
  "4": "200"


- name: "Create Cinder volume"
    module: rax_cbs
    username: "{{ rax_username }}"
    tenant_name: "{{ rax_tenant_name }}"
    api_key: "{{ rax_api_key }}"
    region: "{{ rax_region }}"
    # image: "{{ rax_image }}"  # image to use for bootable volumes
    # mwgdlqspaceu01_ZFS_mirror-0_xvdd
    name: "{{ rax_name }}_ZFS_basic-0_{{ rax_cbs_device }}"
    description: "{{ rax_name }}_ZFS_basic-0_{{ rax_cbs_device }}"
    volume_type: "{{ volume_type[rax_cbs_volume_type] }}"
    size: "{{ volume_size[rax_cbs_size] }}"
    wait: yes
    state: present
  register: create_cinder_vol

- name: "Attach Cinder volume"
    module: rax_cbs_attachments
    username: "{{ rax_username }}"
    tenant_name: "{{ rax_tenant_name }}"
    api_key: "{{ rax_api_key }}"
    region: "{{ rax_region }}"
    volume: "{{ rax_name }}_ZFS_basic-0_{{ rax_cbs_device }}"
    server: "{{ rax_name }}"
    device: "/dev/{{ rax_cbs_device }}"
    wait: yes
    state: present
  register: attach_cinder_vol
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