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Last active December 29, 2018 02:05
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Helper functions to cleanly alter versioned objects in SilverStripe
* Helper functions to cleanly alter versioned objects in SilverStripe.
* Usage:
* whileDraft(function() {
* $page = Page::get()->byId(123);
* // ... with great power comes great responsibility...
* });
* @author Patrick Nelson, [email protected]
* @since 2018-12-28
* Synchronous way to temporarily change global state to the desired reading mode. Unfortunately these things aren't as
* easy in the framework as they should be...
* @param string $name
* @param callable $closure
* @return mixed
function whileStage($name, callable $closure) {
// Normalize desired stage name.
$normName = strtolower(trim($name));
$readingMode = 'Stage.Live'; // Default to live, just in case.
if ($normName === 'draft') $readingMode = 'Stage.Stage'; // ... yes, the redundancy is an artifact of our dear friend SilverStripe.
// Don't normalize but pass through directly if 'Archive' is specified, given the possible variation.
if (substr($normName, 0, 8) === 'archive.') $readingMode = $name;
// Get global state.
$oldReadingMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
// Change global state temporarily to the mode we want to be in and run the code.
$retval = call_user_func($closure);
// Clean up global state and return.
return $retval;
* Allows you to read archived pages (i.e. from *_versions table) for a particular
* @param int $timestamp Specific UNIX timestamp to rewind in history back to. Versions of pages will be
* those at/before this particular point in time.
* @param callable $closure
* @return mixed
function whileArchive($timestamp, callable $closure) {
return whileStage('Archive.' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp), $closure);
* Shortcut to whileStage().
* @param callable $closure
* @return mixed
function whileDraft(callable $closure) {
return whileStage('draft', $closure);
* Shortcut to whileStage().
* @param callable $closure
* @return mixed
function whileLive(callable $closure) {
return whileStage('live', $closure);
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