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Last active October 1, 2021 18:24
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List all keys in older Memcache PHP extension
* Goes through all configured memcached slabs on the provided pre-configured Memcache object
* IMPORTANT: This is for the older and more limited (no "d" suffix) and
* NOT for (has the "d" suffix)!
* Inspired by (and modified from):
* @param Memcache $memcache
* @param int $limit
* @return array
function getMemcacheKeys(Memcache $memcache, $limit = 10000) {
$keysFound = array();
$slabs = $memcache->getExtendedStats('slabs');
foreach($slabs as $serverSlabs) {
foreach($serverSlabs as $slabId => $slabMeta) {
// Move on if not an actual integer (e.g. skip active_slabs).
if (!is_numeric($slabId)) continue;
try {
$cacheDump = $memcache->getExtendedStats('cachedump', (int) $slabId, 1000);
} catch(Exception $e) {
if (!is_array($cacheDump)) {
foreach($cacheDump as $dump) {
if (!is_array($dump)) {
foreach($dump as $key => $value) {
$keysFound[] = $key;
if (count($keysFound) >= $limit) {
return $keysFound;
return $keysFound;
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