Can't go to full screen easily? On a website and hate their customized version of a video player and just wish you could use the one built into your device or browser? It turns out there's a solution: In many cases, you can actually bypass this by simply taking the <video>
element on the page and forcing it to go to full screen immediately with a single press using a simple bookmark (or, a bookmarklet to be precise).
Create a bookmark, call it Full screen
and copy/paste the following into the URL
javascript:(function()%7Bvar fsvs %3D document.getElementsByTagName('video')%3Bfor(i%3D0%3B i < fsvs.length%3B i%2B%2B) %7Bvar vid %3D fsvs%5Bi%5D%3Bwindow.fsv %3D window.fsv %7C%7C vid%3Bvar playing %3D !!(vid.currentTime > 0 %26%26 !vid.paused %26%26 !vid.ended %26%26 vid.readyState > 2)%3Bif (playing) %7Bwindow.fsv %3D vid%3Bbreak%3B%7D%7Dif (window.fsv) window.fsv.webkitEnterFullscreen()%7D)()
- Search for the first playing video on the current page and make it full screen
- If there are no currently playing videos, it will return the last video that the bookmark made full screen back to full screen
- If there are no currently playing videos and it hasn't been used before, the first video found will be made full screen
- In some cases, it can make it easier for you to skip advertisements (depending on how advanced the website is at detecting actual played time). All you have to do is just make the video full screen, skip ahead and 🤞
Known limitations:
- This won't work when the video you see in the page is embedded from elsewhere (i.e. via an
hosted on a separate domain)
(function() {
var fsvs = document.getElementsByTagName('video');
for(i = 0; i < fsvs.length; i++) {
var vid = fsvs[i];
window.fsv = window.fsv || vid;
var playing = !!(vid.currentTime > 0 && !vid.paused && !vid.ended && vid.readyState > 2);
if (playing) {
window.fsv = vid;
if (window.fsv) window.fsv.webkitEnterFullscreen()
To alter this, just edit the code above and pass it through a bookmarklet creator tool, like
Note for anyone reading this: I just don’t encode the spaces since it works fine without that and it saves 2 bytes per space.
Why use big
do trick?