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Created June 27, 2017 19:51
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Jenkins Pipeline Example: jenkins-pipeline + Go + + multibranch pipeline
* This is an example Jenkins pipeline Jenkinsfile for building and testing a private Github Go project that uses
* This style of Pipeline works with the Jenkins Git plugin and multibranch pipeline projects. In a multi-branch project configuring
* a webhook for push and pull request is needed from the Github repository to get builds to automatically start after a push.
pipeline {
agent {
label 'your-agent-goes-here'
stages {
stage('Your Build Stage Name Goes Here') {
steps {
script {
* To be able to access this Jenkins `tool` the plugin is needed.
* With more recent versions of Jenkins the documentation for adding a `go` installation is out of date. To properly
* configure a go installation go to the Jenkins tools configuration (Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration)
* find the "Go" and "Go installations" section and click "Add Go". The `name` specified below should
* line up with the "Go installation" to be used.
def root = tool name: '1.8.3', type: 'go'
* Add in GOPATH, GOROOT, GOBIN to the environment and add go to the path for jenkins.
* The environment variables are needed for glide to properly work and adding go to the path is required to
withEnv(["GOPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}/go", "GOROOT=${root}", "GOBIN=${root}/bin", "PATH+GO=${root}/bin"]) {
sh "mkdir -p ${env.WORKSPACE}/go/src"
echo "Installing glide for this step"
sh 'curl | sh'
echo "Configuring git to use ssh rather than https for downloading private repositories"
// This configures git settings to allow for private repositories to be downloaded with glide.
sh "git config --local url.ssh://[email protected]/.insteadOf"
echo "Installing glide dependencies"
sh "glide install"
echo "Building Go Code"
sh "go build ..."
stage('Your Test Stage Name Goes Here') {
steps {
script {
def root = tool name: '1.8.3', type: 'go'
withEnv(["GOPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}/go", "GOROOT=${root}", "GOBIN=${root}/bin", "PATH+GO=${root}/bin"]) {
echo "Installing glide for this step"
sh 'curl | sh'
echo "Testing Go Code"
* Since glide is installed, glide novendor or nv for short can be taken advantage of to list all
* files to test sans vendored dependencies.
sh 'go test -v $(glide nv)'
* This post step will always execute regardless of a build failing or passing to clean up the setting that allows glide
* to install private dependencies from Github. When using `checkout scm` or the default Jenkins clone step for a git
* multibranch pipeline this undo change is needed. If the url change is not undone it will fail subsequent builds because the
* Jenkins Git plugin will fail to clone the repository correctly.
post {
always {
script {
echo "Undoing config for git to use ssh rather than https for downloading private repositories"
sh "git config --local --unset url.ssh://[email protected]/.insteadOf"
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ptoshniasu commented Jun 3, 2021

do we necessarily need glide for go ?

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