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Last active July 25, 2024 14:34
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Resources for learning about MRI Ruby's internal C source code
Recently someone asked me for online resources about MRI's internal C source
code. Here are a few - if there are more to add please leave a comment! - pat
1. Ruby Hacking Guide - The definitive resource for people who want to learn
the C programming details of how Ruby works internally. Intended for C hackers.
It was just recently translated into English from the original Japanese.
2. Various presentations by Koichi Sasada - he often does public presentations
on Ruby internals and they're always fascinating and full of technical details.
3. Nell Shamrell did a presentation at GoGaRuCo and Lone Star Ruby about how
regex works internally - I haven't seen it yet, but I'm looking forward to
seeing her do it again at RubyConf next month.
4. Ruby Under a Microscope - my book is a visual, conceptual explanation of how
Ruby works intended for Ruby developers who don't know C. It does contain some
C code snippets and explanations, however, for people who are interested in the
C code.
- the new expanded, updated print version is about to come out in November:
- the 2012 eBook is still online if you want to get that:
5. I wrote a series of articles about how to read and understand Ruby's C
source code:
I have a number of other articles on Ruby internals on my site also. I tend to
shy away from C code details, however, and focus on the conceptual ideas using
6. My screencast with Peter Cooper - we just did one last year but I'm
considering doing more myself when I have time.
7. I've done a few presentations at GoRuCo, RubyConf, EuRuKo and other places about Ruby
internals as well.
Other resources on MRI source code? Leave a comment.
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