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Forked from phrz/
Created October 11, 2024 20:39
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Converts SVG path notation to OpenSCAD polygon(): supports M,L,C,Z with Bézier interpolation to points.
import string
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import count
# precision of output points
decimals = 2
svg = '''M0,0 L66,0 L66,140 L0,140 L0,0 Z M17.5356193,9.91374504 L7.89629934,9.91374504 L7.89629934,34.6390567 L13.9842872,34.6390567 L13.9842872,27.741635 L17.6136633,27.741635 C21.6461094,27.741635 24.6445573,27.0341777 26.6090071,25.619263 C28.5734569,24.2043483 29.555612,21.9699927 29.5554723,18.9161962 C29.5554723,15.8625389 28.5993435,13.5986987 26.687086,12.1246754 C24.7748285,10.6511862 21.7243396,9.91420937 17.5356193,9.91374504 Z M51.2530562,20.2426569 L40.4040722,20.2426569 L40.4040722,9.91374504 L34.3159446,9.91374504 L34.3159446,34.6392308 L40.4040722,34.6390567 L40.4040722,24.9118057 L51.2530562,24.9118057 L51.2530562,34.6392308 L57.3411838,34.6392308 L57.3411838,9.91374504 L51.2530562,9.91391916 L51.2530562,20.2426569 Z'''
def string_to_point_tuple(s):
# given '0,0', return (0,0)
a,b = s.split(',')
return (float(a),float(b))
# encapsulates a single SVG command string with computed properties
# to derive the command name (the first letter) and the parameter list
# (given as a list of tuples of floats)
class SVGCommand:
def __init__(self, command_string):
self.command_string = command_string
def line_to(point):
return SVGCommand(f'L{point[0]},{point[1]}')
def command_letter(self):
return self.command_string[:1]
def command_name(self):
return {
'M': 'move cursor to',
'L': 'draw a line to',
'Z': 'close the path',
'C': 'draw a Bézier curve'
def parameters(self):
params = self.command_string[1:].split(' ')
if params == ['']:
return []
return list(map(string_to_point_tuple, params))
def __repr__(self):
return f'SVG ({self.command_name} {self.parameters})'
# turn an SVG command list string into SVGCommand objects
def commands(s):
buf = ''
in_command = False
for char in s:
alpha = char.isalpha()
# 0 0
# beginning of SVG command string, first character must be alpha
if not in_command and not alpha:
raise ValueError('Not yet inside of a command, expected an SVG command indicator.')
# 0 1
# beginning of SVG command string, first character must be alpha
# begin accumulating command
elif not in_command and alpha:
in_command = True
buf += char
# 1 0
# in SVG command, continuing accumulation
elif in_command and not alpha:
buf += char
# 1 1
# new command beginning
elif in_command and alpha:
yield SVGCommand(buf.strip())
buf = char
# end of iteration
if buf != '':
yield SVGCommand(buf.strip())
M - move cursor without drawing, absolute (uppercase)
L - push the cursor position to the point list, then the given point (drawing a straight line),
followed by updating the cursor to the given point. Absolute.
Z - close the path (draw a line to the first point)
C - Bézier curve. Syntax "C p1 p2 p3". Given the cursor as "p0", draw a Bézier curve beginning at
p0 and ending at p3, with p1 as the Bézier anchor for the start and p2 as the Bézier anchor for the end.
# given an SVGCommand object, returns the same object unaltered,
# unless it is a Bezier command, which it will replace with a line
# draw command (lossy). This is a placeholder for a Bezier interpolation
# tool.
def strip_bezier(c):
if c.command_letter == BEZIER_CURVE:
end_point = c.parameters[2]
return SVGCommand(f'L{end_point[0]},{end_point[1]}')
return c
def interpolate_bezier_curves(cs):
for i,c in enumerate(cs):
# return other commands unchanged
if c.command_letter != BEZIER_CURVE:
yield c
# for Bézier commands, interpolate
# 'C' command: SVG `curveto` (Cubic Bézier)
# a Cubic Bézier curve has four points: p0, p1, p2, p3
p0 = cs[i-1].parameters[-1] # the cursor, starting point
p1 = c.parameters[0] # the start anchor
p2 = c.parameters[1] # the end anchor
p3 = c.parameters[2] # the end point
# [CITE]ézier_curve#Cubic_Bézier_curves, "the explicit form"
B = lambda _0, _1, _2, _3, t: \
(1-t)**3 * _0 + \
3 * (1-t)**2 * t * _1 + \
3 * (1-t) * t**2 * _2 + \
t**3 * _3
Bx = lambda t: B(p0[0],p1[0],p2[0],p3[0],t)
By = lambda t: B(p0[1],p1[1],p2[1],p3[1],t)
# 0 <= t <= 1
ts = list(map(lambda x: x*0.1, range(11)))
for t in ts:
yield SVGCommand.line_to(
(Bx(t), By(t))
# dummy: yield one point
# end = c.parameters[-1]
# yield SVGCommand(f'L{end[0]},{end[1]}')
last_close = None
cursor = None
# we use this first to unique all the points used
# we basically abuse this to act like an OrderedSet
all_points = OrderedDict()
# a dict of point tuples to integer indices
point_to_index = dict()
next_index = 0
cs = list(commands(svg))
# handle bezier curves (OpenSCAD cannot)
# this option replaces bezier curves with single points
#cs = list(map(strip_bezier, cs))
# this option replaces bezier curves with multiple interpolated
# points
cs = list(interpolate_bezier_curves(cs))
# summarize points
# OpenSCAD polygons can just be lists of points,
# but complex forms need a list of points and a list of indices
# to describe cyclical paths with subtractive surfaces
for command in cs:
for point in command.parameters:
all_points[point] = 1 # useless value
point_to_index = dict(zip(all_points.keys(), count()))
index = lambda point: point_to_index[point]
paths = [[]]
for c in cs:
letter = c.command_letter
if letter == MOVE_CURSOR:
# print(f'• Move cursor to {index(c.parameters[0])}')
cursor = c.parameters[0]
elif letter == DRAW_LINE:
# print(f'• Line from {index(cursor)} to {index(c.parameters[0])}')
cursor = c.parameters[0]
elif letter == CLOSE_PATH:
# print('• Close the path\n')
elif letter == BEZIER_CURVE:
# print(f'• Bézier curve from {point_to_index[cursor]} to {point_to_index[c.parameters[2]]}')
# print(f' Anchors: {point_to_index[c.parameters[0]]}')
# print(f' {point_to_index[c.parameters[1]]}')
if paths[-1] == []:
paths = paths[:-1]
point_strings = []
for point in point_to_index.keys():
point_string = ',\n'.join(point_strings)
path_strings = list(map(lambda x: f'\t\t{x}', paths))
path_string = ',\n'.join(path_strings)
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