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Created November 13, 2019 02:19
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Looping through log results
farm = farmOS(hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password)
test_log_done = {'name':'This is log is done', 'type':'farm_observation','done': 1}
test_log_not_done = {'name':'This is log is NOT done', 'type':'farm_observation', 'done': 0}
all_logs = farm.log.get()
for log in all_logs['list']:
print("Name: " + log['name'])
status = "Not Done"
if 'done' in log and log['done'] is '1':
staus = "Done!!!"
print("Status: " + status)
Name: Harvest a ton of beans
Status: Done!!!
Name: Test log
Status: Done!!!
Name: This is log is done
Status: Done!!!
Name: This is log is NOT done
Status: Not Done
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