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Last active August 17, 2022 23:54
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Script for detecting duplicate assets & merging log records
use Drupal\asset\Entity\Asset;
use Drupal\log\Entity\Log;
// Debug flag, leave TRUE to not perform any actions.
$debug = TRUE;
#$debug = FALSE;
// Only query assets created by this username.
$user_name = 'SurveyStack';
// Hosts to to not run this script on.
$denylist = [
$host = \Drupal::request()->getHost();
if (in_array($host, $denylist)) {
log_message('Host in denylist.');
// Query names that are duplicated across plant assets.
$name_duplicates = \Drupal::entityQueryAggregate('asset')
->condition('', $user_name)
->condition('type', 'plant')
->aggregate('name', 'count')
->conditionAggregate('name', 'count', 1, '>')
log_message('Querying assets with duplicate names... ');
foreach ($name_duplicates as $name_duplicate) {
// Log the duplicate.
$name = $name_duplicate['name'];
$count = $name_duplicate['name_count'];
log_message("Duplicate: '$name' Count: $count");
// Load the assets.
$asset_ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('asset')
->condition('', $user_name)
->condition('type', 'plant')
->condition('name', $name)
->sort('id', 'ASC')
$assets = Asset::loadMultiple($asset_ids);
// Determine each asset's location.
// Keep track if we find a location for any assets here.
$location_count = 0;
/** @var \Drupal\farm_location\AssetLocationInterface $asset_location */
$asset_location = \Drupal::service('asset.location');
$asset_locations = [];
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
if ($asset_location->hasLocation($asset)) {
$location = $asset_location->getLocation($asset);
$location = reset($location);
$asset_locations[$asset->id()] = $location;
if ($location_count === 0) {
log_message('None of the duplicated assets have a location.', 'warning');
elseif ($location_count === 1) {
$label = $location->label();
log_message('Target location: ' . $label);
elseif ($location_count > 1) {
log_message('Duplicated assets have multiple locations.', 'warning');
log_message('These assets should be manually reviewed.', 'warning');
// Query logs that reference these assets.
$log_asset_ids_result = \Drupal::entityQueryAggregate('log')
->condition('', $name)
->aggregate('id', 'count')
$log_asset_ids = array_column($log_asset_ids_result, 'id');
// Loop through assets and determine operations.
// Keep track if we have found the "canonical" asset to keep.
$found_canonical = FALSE;
log_message('Asset name -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url');
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
// Strings to output.
$asset_id = $asset->id();
$label = $asset->label();
$url = $asset->toUrl()->setAbsolute()->toString();
$current_location = $asset_locations[$asset_id] ? $asset_locations[$asset_id]->label() : ' (none) ';
// Determine the number of logs associated with the asset.
$log_count = 0;
$index = array_search($asset_id, $log_asset_ids);
if (is_numeric($index)) {
$log_count = $log_asset_ids_result[$index]['id_count'];
// Determine the operation.
// Delete assets unless they have logs that reference them.
$operation = 'delete';
// If logs reference the asset, keep or merge.
if ($log_count > 0) {
// Keep the first asset that has logs.
if ($found_canonical == FALSE) {
$operation = 'keep';
$found_canonical = $asset_id;
// Else merge the asset and update logs.
else {
$operation = 'merge';
// Finally, if there are multiple locations override the operation
// to keep assets that have logs, they need manual review.
// Assets that do not have any logs can always be deleted.
if ($log_count != 0 && $location_count > 1) {
$operation = 'keep';
log_message("$label -- $asset_id -- $current_location -- $log_count -- $operation -- $url");
// Perform the operation if $debug == FALSE.
if (!$debug) {
// Merge the asset.
if ($operation == 'merge' && $found_canonical != FALSE) {
// Load logs that reference this asset.
$log_ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('log')
->condition('', $asset_id)
$logs = Log::loadMultiple($log_ids);
// Remove the asset id from each log and add the canonical asset id.
foreach ($logs as $log) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface $asset_field */
$asset_field = $log->get('asset');
$log_assets = $asset_field->getValue();
// Find the existing asset_id.
$index = array_search($asset_id, array_column($log_assets, 'target_id'));
if (is_int($index)) {
// Remove the index.
// Add the canonical if doesn't already exist.
$index = array_search((int) $found_canonical, array_column($log_assets, 'target_id'));
if ($index === FALSE) {
// Finally, save the log.
$log_id = $log->id();
$log_name = $log->label();
log_message("Updated log $log_id '$log_name'", 'operation');
// After all logs are merged, delete the asset.
$operation = 'delete';
if ($operation == 'delete') {
try {
log_message("Deleted asset $asset_id '$label'", 'operation');
} catch (Exception $e) {
log_message("Could not delete asset $asset_id '$label'. Reason: " . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
* Helper function to print/log messages.
* @param $message
* The message to print.
* @param $level
* The message level prefix.
function log_message($message, $level = 'info') {
$prefix = [
'info' => '',
'operation' => ' OP: ',
'warning' => 'WARNING: ',
'error' => 'ERROR: ',
print($prefix[$level] . $message . PHP_EOL);

Test cases:

(NOTE: I didn't create all the log types specified here, what's most important is if the asset has any logs referencing it. And location requires DONE movement logs.)

// Test cases.
// Name -- location -- logs -- operation

// Typical duplicated plant asset
// corn  5/05/20 - -- (seeding, observation) (keep)
// corn  5/05/20 - field 1 (input) (merge, delete)

// Duplicated plant with empty plant
// beets 6/20/20 - -- (seeding, observation) (keep)
// beets 6/20/20 - field 1 (input, activity) (merge, delte)
// beets 6/20/20 - -- (none) (delete)

// Two unique assets, one empty
// squash 6/10/20 - field 1 (seeding) (keep)
// squash 6/10/20 - field 2 (seeding) (keep)
// squash 6/10/20 - -- (none) (delete)

// Assets without location or logs
// radish 3/15/20 - -- (none) (delete)
// radish 3/18/20 - -- (none) (delete)

// Rare edge case, should be two, both duplicated
// 5  - 2020 carrots - field 1
// 10 - 2020 carrots - --
// 12 - 2020 carrots - field 2
// 15 - 2020 carrots - --

Output for given test cases

$ ddev drush scr asset_dedup.php

Querying assets with duplicate names... 

Duplicate: 'beets 6/20/20' Count: 3
Target location: Field 2
Asset name    -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url
beets 6/20/20 -- 6 --  (none)  -- 2 -- keep --
beets 6/20/20 -- 7 -- Field 2 -- 3 -- merge --
beets 6/20/20 -- 8 --  (none)  -- 0 -- delete --

Duplicate: 'carrots 04/10/20' Count: 2
Target location: Field 1
Asset name    -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url
carrots 04/10/20 -- 13 -- Field 1 -- 1 -- keep --
carrots 04/10/20 -- 14 --  (none)  -- 1 -- merge --

Duplicate: 'corn 5/05/20' Count: 4
WARNING: Duplicated assets have multiple locations.
WARNING: These assets should be manually reviewed.
Asset name    -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url
corn 5/05/20 -- 1 --  (none)  -- 2 -- keep --
corn 5/05/20 -- 5 -- Field 1 -- 2 -- keep --
corn 5/05/20 -- 15 -- Field 2 -- 1 -- keep --
corn 5/05/20 -- 16 --  (none)  -- 0 -- delete --

Duplicate: 'radish 3/15/20' Count: 2
WARNING: None of the duplicated assets have a location.
Asset name    -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url
radish 3/15/20 -- 11 --  (none)  -- 0 -- delete --
radish 3/15/20 -- 12 --  (none)  -- 0 -- delete --

Duplicate: 'squash 6/10/20' Count: 2
WARNING: Duplicated assets have multiple locations.
WARNING: These assets should be manually reviewed.
Asset name    -- ID -- location -- log count -- operation -- url
squash 6/10/20 -- 9 -- Field 3 -- 2 -- keep --
squash 6/10/20 -- 10 -- Field 2 -- 2 -- keep --

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paul121 commented Aug 10, 2022

If an asset fails ERR then an error is shown:

ERROR: Could not delete asset 7 'beets 6/20/20'. Reason: Cannot delete "asset" of type "plant" with label "beets 6/20/20" and ID "7" because other content is referencing it and the integrity of this entity type is enforced.

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paul121 commented Aug 11, 2022

Add $denylist to exclude script from running on some hosts.

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paul121 commented Aug 17, 2022

Modified logic so duplicated assets with no logs are always deleted

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