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Last active May 22, 2020 20:34
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Generate semi accurate cow weights
from datetime import date, timedelta
import os
import random
import math
from farmOS import farmOS
farm = farmOS(hostname='http://localhost', username='user', password='pass', client_id='farm', scope='user_access')
asset_ids = []
num_assets = 5
for i in range(num_assets):
asset = {
'name': f"Cow #{i}",
'type': 'animal',
'animal_type': {'name': 'cow'}
res = farm.asset.send(asset)
if res is not None and 'id' in res:
log_name = 'Log Animal Weight'
log_type = 'farm_observation'
quantity_template = [{
'measure': 'weight',
'value': 0,
'unit': {'id': 12}
log_done = 1
start_date = date(2017, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2019, 10, 1)
delta = timedelta(days=30)
month = 1
first_count = 120
for asset in asset_ids:
loop_date = start_date
month_count = 1
last_count = first_count
while loop_date <= end_date:
new_count = last_count + int(last_count * random.uniform(.05/math.pow(month_count,1.5), .08/math.pow(month_count,1.5)))
last_count = new_count
quantity = quantity_template
quantity[0]['value'] = new_count
log = {
'name': log_name,
'type': log_type,
'asset': [{'id': asset}],
'quantity': quantity,
'timestamp': loop_date.strftime("%s"),
'log_category': [
{'name': 'animal_weight_test'},
'done': 1
# Print weights, useful for debugging the math for creating semi-realistic weights.
print(str(asset) + ' : ' + str(new_count))
loop_date = loop_date + delta
month_count = month_count + 1
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