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Created July 9, 2012 21:42
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A script used to transmit geo-located tweets about Nike to Dashku
# The script that I use to broadcast tweets about
# Nike to Dashku's demo account, in CoffeeScript.
# require some npm libraries
Twit = require 'twit'
analyze = require('Sentimental').analyze
Placefinder = require 'placefinder'
dashku = require 'dashku'
# Set your API Key
dashku.setApiKey 'YOUR_DASHKU_API_KEY', ->
# Setup a Twit constructor
twit = new Twit
consumer_key: 'TWIITER_CONSUMER_KEY'
consumer_secret: 'TWIITER_CONSUMER_SECRET'
access_token: 'TWIITER_ACCESS_TOKEN'
access_token_secret: 'TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'
# Setup a Placefinder constructor, and set the Yahoo Api key
placefinder = new Placefinder
# You'll need an API key to use Yahoo's placefinder API.
# For more, see
placefinder.appID = "YOUR_YAHOO_API_KEY"
# Setup the Twitter streaming API to filter for tweets about 'Nike'
stream = 'statuses/filter', track: 'Nike'
# Execute on the tweet event being emitted
stream.on 'tweet', (tweet) ->
location = tweet.user.location
data =
sentiment: analyze(tweet.text).score
text: tweet.text
tweet_id: tweet.id_str
screen_name: tweet.screen_name
# don't geocode the location if it is blank or vague.
if location is '' or location.match?('everywhere') or location.match('worldwide')
data.location = null
dashku.transmission data, (response) ->
# output the response. For more, see
console.log response
# Let's try and find the location's latitude and longitude, for use with a map.
placefinder.location location, (err, result) ->
if err?
data.location = null
dashku.transmission data, (response) ->
# output the response. For more, see
console.log response
# Sets the location to the result object from Yahoo's placefinder API
data.location = result.ResultSet?.Results?[0]
dashku.transmission data, (response) ->
# output the response. For more, see
console.log response
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