#!/bin/bash |
# usage: |
# after `git pull`, a full build is now `depsbcr` or `deps && b && cr` |
# and after changes.. a `bcr` will recompile and relaunch chrome. |
# 2021 update: __dt versions of these functions are added for the chromium-devtools repo. |
function deps () { |
# --reset drops local changes. often great, but if making changes inside v8, you don't want to use --reset |
# also reset seems to reset branch position in the devtools-internal repo??? weird. |
gclient sync --delete_unversioned_trees --jobs=70 |
} |
function hooks () { |
gclient runhooks |
} |
function b () { |
local dir=./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)/out/Default |
# autoninja will automatically determine your -j number based on CPU cores |
local cmd="autoninja -C $(realpath $dir) chrome" |
echo " > $cmd" |
# start the compile |
eval $cmd |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
osascript -e 'display notification "" with title "✅ Chromium compile done"' |
else |
osascript -e 'display notification "" with title "❌ Chromium compile failed"' |
fi |
} |
function dtb () { |
local dir_default=$(realpath $PWD/$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)out/Default/) |
local cmd="autoninja -C $dir_default" |
echo " > $cmd" |
eval $cmd |
} |
# https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-launcher/blob/main/docs/chrome-flags-for-tools.md |
# # Avoid the blocking startup dialog for 'Chromium wants to use your confidential information stored in "Chromium Safe Storage" in your keychain' |
# # Avoid the startup dialog for 'Do you want the application “Chromium.app” to accept incoming network connections?' |
clutch_chrome_flags="--use-mock-keychain --disable-features=DialMediaRouteProvider" |
# you can also add any extra args: `cr --user-data-dir=/tmp/lol123" |
# (disable DialMediaRouteProvider gets rid of that "do you want to accept incoming connections" prompt) |
function cr () { |
local dir="./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)/out/Default" |
local cmd="./$dir/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium $clutch_chrome_flags $argv" |
echo " > $cmd" |
eval "$cmd" |
} |
function dtcr () { |
local crpath="./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)/third_party/chrome/chrome-mac/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium" |
local dtpath=$(realpath out/Default/gen/front_end) |
local cmd="$crpath --custom-devtools-frontend=file://$dtpath --user-data-dir=$HOME/chromium-devtools/dt-chrome-profile $clutch_chrome_flags $argv" |
echo " > $cmd" |
eval "$cmd" |
} |
function gom () { |
# these probably dont make sense for everyone. |
export GOMAMAILTO=/dev/null |
goma_ctl ensure_start |
} |
function dtbcr () { |
if dtb; then |
dtcr |
fi |
} |
function bcr () { |
if b; then |
cr |
fi |
} |
function depsb () { |
if deps; then |
gom |
b |
fi |
} |
function depsbcr () { |
if deps; then |
gom |
bcr |
fi |
} |
function hooksbcr () { |
if hooks; then |
gom |
bcr |
fi |
} |
Note that having chromium source code locally is not enough to run this script. You need all dependencies, see: https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code