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Created March 27, 2024 17:42
primer on containment and content-vis for web perf

containment recap

  • none (default)
  • layout, paint, style - the easy ones.
    • content === these three
    • bonus benefit of contain: layout -- any pos:fixed children will be relative to it.
  • size - harder. the element must define its own size, can't rely on laying out its children.
    • strict === content + size
    • inline-size - dunno? size but for display:inline-ish things?

content-visibility recap

content-visibility: auto is like a rendering=lazy .. or it's like the <script defer of rendering.

If you're familiar with css containment... content-vis: auto can be interpreted as contain: content-for-inviewport-and-strict-when-outofviewport.

It implicitly applies contain: content but then as long as the elements contents are out of viewport (aka not visible) and not focused/selected, then it'll upgrade that to contain: strict (adding size containment). When the element is scrolled into viewport, the contain: content still applies. (Also other bonus: this stuff remains in A11y tree, unlike vis:hidden elements)

How do we use it?

Generally, we apply content-vis:auto to elements that hold much of the page's content and continue down the page in the non-visible area. That's when the perf benefit kicks in.

Ask.. what are the DOM islands that hold the content. These islands must continue beyond the viewport for this to be useful. Articles, cards, etc are good targets to for content-vis: auto;

Contain-intrinsic- sizes

The contain-instrinsic-(size/width/height/block-size/inline-size) props are needed when size containment is on. They mostly assist for content-vis: auto, IMO. (Yes, it feels confusing that they aren't named content-visibilility-intrinsic-size but... feel free to think of it like that.) As elements off-screen get size containment. these properties often are used to define the height, so that the page scrollbar is reasonable and not jumpy.

If these sizes are wrong, once the element is actually rendered, the browser will use the new/real sizes from then on out.

In the spec, there's also container-name and container-type.. but they're for container queries.

content-vis: hidden

Using content-visibility: hidden is like display:none but.. stronger. Strict containment is applied but no painting and no ability receive clicks, etc. Used when you want to hide something (an offscreen nav or inactive app views), but want to reuse the cached rendering state when it reappears.

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paulirish commented Mar 27, 2024

@tunetheweb wants examples.

Like if you use height: 300px; overflow: none; then you know nothing overflows that height and so you can safely use contains: size

Also wtf is the difference between layout and size

and is content-vis just a shorthand for contain?

@paulirish: why does style not do what we think it should

could tldr it with:

use c-v:auto on your major blocks of content that extend past the viewport. also apply contain-intrinsic-size: auto <their-estimated-height>px to them.

and then introduce all the concepts after that.

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