I hereby claim:
- I am paulll on github.
- I am paulll (https://keybase.io/paulll) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8175 24E0 F819 D4D1 D720 95B2 7F8B 4FAF 3060 83AF
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
""" | |
Unicorn CTF 2020: Manager on remote work (misc, 999 pts) | |
Bruteforce solution without z3 or anything except math and force. | |
Most likely, not the intended solution, but it does work. | |
Requirements: | |
python >=3.8 for math.prod | |
sympy for multiset_permutations | |
""" |
import json, re, sys | |
items = json.load(open('watch-history.json')) | |
music = (list(x for x in items if x['header'] == 'YouTube Music')) | |
known_music_channels = { | |
'Reol Official': 'Reol' | |
} | |
counters = { |
function aob_search() | |
# use something to identify process id | |
pid = parse(Int, readall(`pidof osu\!.exe`)) | |
# maps file contains information about memory regions | |
# mem file is a pseudo-file containing process memory | |
maps_file = open("/proc/" * string(pid) * "/maps", "r") | |
mem_file = open("/proc/" * string(pid) * "/mem", "r") |
#!/usr/bin/env zsh | |
# example usage: | |
# $ webp2gif input.webp output.gif | |
dir0=`pwd` | |
dir=`mktemp -d` | |
cd $dir | |
for i in $(seq -f "$04g" 0 1000); do; webpmux -get frame $i $dir0/$1 -o "$i.webp"; done; | |
mkdir png | |
for i in {0..1000}; do; dwebp "$i.webp" -o "png/$i.png"; done; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
"use strict"; | |
function TokenList (rest, part) { | |
this.rest = rest.rest.substr(part.length); | |
this.stack = rest.stack.concat([part]); | |
this.substr = String.prototype.substr.bind(this.rest); | |
this.indexOf = String.prototype.indexOf.bind(this.rest); | |
} | |
function Input (start) { |
var set1 = 'Привет, Здраствуй, Здраствуйте, Приветик, Превед, Здаров, Прив, Хелло'.split(', '), | |
set2 = 'Что, Чего, Што, Чо'.split(', '), | |
set3 = 'Делаешь, Творишь, Думаешь, Пишешь, Делаете, Пишете, Творите, Думаете'.split(', '), | |
set = [set1, set2, set3], | |
str = 'ЗдраствуйтеЧоДелаете'; | |
/** | |
* Все возможные комбинации можно представить деревом (графом), | |
* можно найти единственно верный путь, просто отсекая явно неподходящие ветки. | |
* Получается что-то вроде поиска в глубину с ограничением. |
document.querySelector('body>div.wrapper>div.header.header-logged-in.true>div>a>img').src=" |
for (var i=-50; i<50; i++) { | |
console.log ("String to decode".split('').map(function(e){ | |
return String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(0) + i); | |
}).join('')); | |
} |