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Created July 22, 2020 15:49
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Async once
* Takes a generator function that can yeild async functions.
* When the wrapped generator is called again, the previous call will cancel ASAP.
* Note: it won't cancel in-flight requests made (see: AbortController)
* @param {GeneratorFunction} generator
* @see
* @author Sam Thorogood
* @returns {(...args: any[]) => Promise<any>}
export const asyncOnce = generator => {
let globalNonce
return async function(...args) {
const localNonce = new Object()
globalNonce = localNonce
const iter = generator(...args)
let resumeValue
for (;;) {
const n =
if (n.done) {
return n.value // final return value of passed generator
// whatever the generator yielded, _now_ run await on it
resumeValue = await n.value
if (localNonce !== globalNonce) {
return // a new call was made
// next loop, we give resumeValue back to the generator
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