TremulaJS is a client-side javascript UI component providing Bézier-based content-stream interactions with momentum & physics effects for mouse, scroll and and touch UIs.
This Pen allows you to experiment using different config file settings.
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>TremulaJS</title> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> | |
<style type="text/css"> | |
</style> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script src="script.js"></script> | |
</head> | |
<body class="doReflect"> | |
<div class="tremulaContainer"></div> | |
<h1>TremulaJS</h1> | |
<span class="cta">Swipe, Scroll, Click & Drag</span> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
$(document).ready(function(){ | |
setTimeout(function(){ | |
window.tremula = createTremula(); | |
applyBoxClick(); | |
loadFlickr() | |
},0); | |
}); | |
function createTremula(){ | |
// .tremulaContainer must exist and have actual dimentionality | |
// requires display:block with an explicitly defined H & W | |
$tremulaContainer = $('.tremulaContainer'); | |
//this creates a hook to a new Tremula instance | |
var tremula = new Tremula(); | |
//Create a config object -- this is how most default behaivior is set. | |
//see updateConfig(prop_val_object,refreshStreamFlag) method to change properties of a running instance | |
var config = { | |
//Size of the static axis in pixels | |
//If your scroll axis is set to 'x' then this will be the normalized height of your content blocks. | |
//If your scroll axis is set to 'y' then this will be the normalized width of your content blocks. | |
itemConstraint :250,//px | |
//Margin in px added to each side of each content item | |
itemMargins :[10,10],//x (left & right), y (top & bottom) in px | |
//Display offset of static axis (static axis is the non-scrolling dimention) | |
staticAxisOffset :0,//px | |
//Display offset of scroll axis (this is the amount of scrollable area added before the first content block) | |
scrollAxisOffset :20,//px | |
//Sets the scroll axis 'x'|'y'. | |
//NOTE: projections generally only work with one scroll axis | |
//when changeing this value, make sure to use a compatible projection | |
scrollAxis :'x',//'x'|'y' | |
//surfaceMap is the projection/3d-effect which will be used to display grid content | |
//following is a list of built-in projections with their corresponding scroll direction | |
//NOTE: Using a projection with an incompatible Grid or Grid-Direction will result in-not-so awesome results | |
//---------------------- | |
// (x or y) xyPlain | |
// (x) streamHorizontal | |
// (y) pinterest | |
// (x) mountain | |
// (x) turntable | |
// (x) enterTheDragon | |
// (x) userProjection <-- | |
//---------------------- | |
surfaceMap :userProjection,//tremula.projections.streamHorizontal, | |
//how many rows (or colums) to display. note: this is zero based -- so a value of 0 means there will be one row/column | |
staticAxisCount :0,//zero based | |
//the grid that will be used to project content | |
//NOTE: Generally, this will stay the same and various surface map projections | |
//will be used to create various 3d positioning effects | |
defaultLayout :tremula.layouts.xyPlain, | |
//it does not look like this actually got implemented so, don't worry about it ;) | |
itemPreloading :true, | |
//enables the item-level momentum envelope | |
itemEasing :false, | |
//enables looping with the current seet of results | |
isLooping :false, | |
//if item-level easing is enabled, it will use the following parameters | |
//NOTE: this is experimental. This effect can make people queasy. | |
itemEasingParams :{ | |
touchCurve :tremula.easings.easeOutCubic, | |
swipeCurve :tremula.easings.easeOutCubic, | |
transitionCurve :tremula.easings.easeOutElastic, | |
easeTime :500, | |
springLimit :40 //in px | |
}, | |
//method called after each frame is painted. Passes internal parameter object. | |
//see fn definition below | |
onChangePub : doScrollEvents, | |
//content/stream data can optionally be passed in on init() | |
data : null, | |
// lastContentBlock enables a persistant content block to exist at the end of the stream at all times. | |
// Common use case is to target $('.lastContentItem') with a conditional loading spinner when API is churning. | |
lastContentBlock : { | |
template :'<div class="lastContentItem"></div>', | |
layoutType :'tremulaBlockItem', | |
noScaling:true, | |
w:300, | |
h:300, | |
isLastContentBlock:true | |
}, | |
//dafault data adapter method which is called on each data item -- this is used if none is supplied during an import operation | |
//enables easy adaptation of arbitrary API data formats -- see flickr example | |
adapter :null | |
}; | |
//initalize the tremula instance with 3 parameters: | |
//a DOM container, a config object, and a parent context | |
tremula.init($tremulaContainer,config,this); | |
//return the tremula hook | |
return tremula; | |
} | |
//This method is called on each paint frame thus enabling low level behaivior control | |
//it receives a single parameter object of internal instance states | |
//NOTE: below is a simple example of infinate scrolling where new item | |
//requests are made when the user scrolls past the existing 70% mark. | |
// | |
//Another option here is multiple tremula instancechaining i.e. follow the scroll events of another tremula instance. | |
//use case of this may be one tremula displaying close up data view while another may be an overview. | |
function doScrollEvents(o){ | |
if(o.scrollProgress>.7){ | |
if(!tremula.cache.endOfScrollFlag){ | |
tremula.cache.endOfScrollFlag = true; | |
pageCtr++; | |
loadFlickr(); | |
console.log('END OF SCROLL!') | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
//Basic example of API integration | |
//================================= | |
//tremula.refreshData(returned_set_array,dataAdapter)//replaces current data set with returned_set_array | |
//tremula.appendData(returned_set_array,dataAdapter)//appends current data set with returned_set_array | |
//tremula.insertData(returned_set_array,dataAdapter)//prepends current data set with returned_set_array | |
//================================= | |
/* SIZE SUFFIX FOR FLICKR IMAGE URLS ===> must be set in method below also | |
s small square 75x75 | |
q large square 150x150 | |
t thumbnail, 100 on longest side | |
m small, 240 on longest side | |
n small, 320 on longest side | |
- medium, 500 on longest side | |
z medium 640, 640 on longest side | |
c medium 800, 800 on longest side† | |
b large, 1024 on longest side* | |
o original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format | |
*/ | |
var pageCtr = 1; | |
function loadFlickr(){ | |
var dataUrl = ''+pageCtr+'&extras=url_n'; | |
$.ajax({ | |
url:dataUrl | |
,dataType: 'jsonp' | |
,jsonp: 'jsoncallback' | |
}) | |
.done(function(res){ | |
console.log('API success',res); | |
var rs =,i){return o.height_n > o.width_n * .5});//filter out any with a really wide aspect ratio. | |
tremula.appendData(rs,flickrDataAdapter);//flicker | |
tremula.cache.endOfScrollFlag = false; | |
}) | |
.fail( function(d,config,err){ console.log('API FAIL. '+err) }) | |
} | |
//===================== | |
// flickrDataAdapter() is for use with the flickr API | |
// | |
/* SIZE SUFFIX FOR FLICKR IMAGE URLS ===> must be set in above method also | |
s small square 75x75 | |
q large square 150x150 | |
t thumbnail, 100 on longest side | |
m small, 240 on longest side | |
n small, 320 on longest side | |
- medium, 500 on longest side | |
z medium 640, 640 on longest side | |
c medium 800, 800 on longest side† | |
b large, 1024 on longest side* | |
o original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format | |
*/ | |
function flickrDataAdapter(data,env){ | | = data; | |
this.w = this.width = data.width_n; | |
this.h = this.height = data.height_n; | |
this.imgUrl = data.url_n; | |
this.auxClassList = "flickrRS";//stamp each mapped item with map ID | |
this.template =||('<img draggable="false" class="moneyShot" onload="imageLoaded(this)" src=""/>'); | |
} | |
// updateConfig() enables updating of configuration parameters after an instance is running. | |
// adding an optional true parameter will force a tremula grid redraw with the new parameter in effect | |
// ---------------------------- | |
// EXAMPLE: tremula.Grid.updateConfig({itemConstraint:100},true); | |
// ---------------------------- | |
// Use toggleScrollAxis() to set the scrollAxis, | |
// see: surfaceMap projection compatibility list above to ensure the projection is compatible with the scrollAxis value | |
// ---------------------------- | |
// EXAMPLE: tremula.Grid.toggleScrollAxis('y'); | |
// ---------------------------- | |
function applyBoxClick(){ | |
$('.tremulaContainer').on('tremulaItemSelect',function(gestureEvt,domEvt){ | |
// console.log(gestureEvt,domEvt) | |
var | |
$e = $(; | |
t = $e.closest('.gridBox')[0]; | |
if(t){ | |
var data = $.data(t); | |
} | |
if(data)alert(JSON.stringify(data)); | |
}) | |
} | |
//==================== | |
// This is a custom Projection template which allows you to specify your own bezier path | |
// To use, modify the above configuration @ surfaceMap --> surfaceMap : userProjection, | |
//EXPERIMENTAL! Generally, this works, But it's not particularly tested. Some paths may not work as expected. | |
//Please file bugs to | |
// ALSO: This currently only works in horizontal mode. Vertical coming soon. | |
// Handy bezier editor/visualizer here --> | |
var userPath = [ | |
{x:0,y:0}, | |
{x:.5,y:.8}, | |
{x:.5,y:.8}, | |
{x:1,y:0} | |
]; | |
function userProjection(x,y){ | |
var curve = userPath; | |
var | |
grid0 = this.parent.gridDims[0], | |
grid1 = this.parent.gridDims[1], | |
axisLength = this.parent.currentGridContentDims, | |
tRamp = this.waves.tailRamp, | |
hRamp = this.waves.headRamp, | |
tri = this.waves.triangle, | |
xo, | |
yo; | |
var xyFactor = [ | |
grid0, | |
grid1 | |
]; | |
var cubicBezier = jsBezier.factorCurveBy(curve,xyFactor); | |
var p = jsBezier.pointOnCurve(cubicBezier, tRamp); | |
var g = jsBezier.gradientAtPoint(cubicBezier, tRamp); | |
var xo = p.x - (this.dims[0]*.5); | |
var yo = grid1 - p.y - (this.dims[1]*.5) - (((axisLength[1]-this.dims[1])*.5) - y - this.itemMargins[1]); | |
var zo = 0; | | = = = '50%'; | | = = = 'translate3d(' + xo + 'px,' + yo +'px, ' + zo + 'px)' | |
var z = 10000-this.index; | | = z; | | = 1; | |
this.pPos = [x,y]; | |
} | |
@import url(; | |
body{ | |
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif; | |
background-color: #ddd; | |
} | |
*{ | |
-webkit-touch-callout: none; | |
-webkit-user-select: none; | |
-khtml-user-select: none; | |
-moz-user-select: none; | |
-ms-user-select: none; | |
user-select: none; | |
} | |
a{color:inherit;text-decoration:none;} | |
h1{ | |
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19); | |
z-index: 0; | |
position: absolute; | |
right: 20px; | |
bottom: 0; | |
font-size: 40px; | |
line-height:50px; | |
padding: 0; | |
margin: 0; | |
text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,1); | |
display:inline-block; | |
} | |
.plug{padding:15px 20px;position:absolute;} | |
.cta{ | |
font-size:25px; | |
color:#666; | |
padding: 0; | |
margin: 0; | |
position: absolute; | |
left: 20px; | |
bottom: 0; | |
line-height:40px; | |
} | |
/* === Tremula Styles === */ | |
/* Note: any gridBox border added must be compensated for by adding negative margin */ | |
.gridBox{ | |
border:#fff 10px solid; | |
margin: -10px 0 0 -10px; | |
} | |
.moneyShot{ | |
width:100%; | |
} | |
/* .tremulaContainer must have actual dimentionality (set H&W) */ | |
.tremulaContainer{ | |
height:60%; | |
height:calc(100% - 120px); | |
width:90%; | |
position:relative; | |
top:20px; | |
left:0; | |
z-index: 1; | |
margin:25px auto; | |
border: black solid 1px; | |
} | |
.pageLayoutContainer{ | |
height:100%; | |
width:100%; | |
position:fixed; | |
top:0; | |
left:0; | |
margin:0; | |
border: black solid 1px; | |
} |
TremulaJS is a client-side javascript UI component providing Bézier-based content-stream interactions with momentum & physics effects for mouse, scroll and and touch UIs.
This Pen allows you to experiment using different config file settings.