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Creative developer

Paul Melero paulmelero

Creative developer
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paulmelero / rAF.js
Created August 25, 2014 01:25 — forked from paulirish/rAF.js
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];

Mobile first - hide on scroll menu

Mobile first responsive navigation. On scroll the navigation slides up, on up scroll the menu is slides down.

Small screen menu icon animates to a X when menu is visible.

In the wild:

TremulaJS Boilerplate

TremulaJS is a client-side javascript UI component providing Bézier-based content-stream interactions with momentum & physics effects for mouse, scroll and and touch UIs.

This Pen allows you to experiment using different config file settings.

A Pen by Garris on CodePen.


Only Web-kit experiment called Julia.js

This is an experiment I'm working on, I want to call it Julia.js.

The only thing thats will cause not working fine on firefox is the -webkit-background-clip: text; thing. Any ideas?

Also I'm planning to add a "save button" via canvas... ;)

Inspired by: Glen Maddern's Pen wxaGg.

paulmelero / Preventing draggable images or selection on every image
Created February 24, 2015 17:28
Preventing downloading images by blocking right click on DOM elements and CSS in modern browsers (made for
img {
/* Preventing draggable images or selection on every image. Use at your own risk. */
-webkit-touch-callout:none; /*Safari, safari mobile; iPhone OS*/
-khtml-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
-o-user-select: none;
user-select: none;

Styling native elements

Native HTML controls are a challenge to style. You can style any element in the web platform that uses Shadow DOM with a pseudo element ::pseudo-element or the /deep/ path selector.

video::webkit-media-controls-timeline {
  background-color: lime;

video /deep/ input[type=range] {
paulmelero / Hard Cross Browser Opacity
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Two versions: with and without `!important`
// Inspired in:
// Usage: `@include hardOpacity(1);`, `@include hardOpacity(.5);`
@mixin hardOpacity($valueOpacity) {
$unitOp: unit($valueOpacity);
$valOp: parseInt($valueOpacity);
paulmelero / placeholders.scss
Last active April 4, 2016 10:05
Styling placeholders Cross Browser SCSS mixin
// Usage example:
// input[type="text"] {
// @include placeholders {
// color: currentColor;
// }
// }
// See:
paulmelero / _fake-clamping.scss
Last active February 1, 2023 08:44
Alternative to `-webkit-line-clamp` as a mixin.
//* Usage:
//* @include fake-clamping(1.2, 1);
@mixin fake-clamping($line-height: 1.4, $lines: 1, $padding: 0, $w: false) {
$_height: $line-height * $lines + $padding;
height: #{$_height}em;