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Last active October 10, 2022 17:08
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AWS Lambda: Determine Event Source from event object. Based on this javascript gist
def get_lambda_event_source(self, event: dict):
if 'pathParameters' in event and 'proxy' in event['pathParameters']:
return 'api_gateway_aws_proxy'
if 'requestContext' in event and 'resourceId' in event['requestContext']:
return 'api_gateway_http'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:s3':
return 's3'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'EventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['EventSource'] == 'aws:sns':
return 'sns'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:dynamodb':
return 'dynamo_db'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'cf' in event['Records'][0]:
return 'cloudfront'
elif 'source' in event and event['source'] == '':
return 'scheduled_event'
elif 'awslogs' in event and 'data' in event['awslogs']:
return 'cloud_watch_logs'
elif 'authorizationToken' in event and event['authorizationToken'] == "incoming-client-token":
return 'api_gateway_authorizer'
elif 'configRuleId' in event and 'configRuleName' in event and 'configRuleArn' in event:
return 'aws_config'
elif 'StackId' in event and 'RequestType' in event and 'ResourceType' in event:
return 'cloud_formation'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:codecommit':
return 'code_commit'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:ses':
return 'ses'
elif 'Records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'eventSource' in event['Records'][0] and event['Records'][0]['eventSource'] == 'aws:kinesis':
return 'kinesis'
elif 'records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'approximateArrivalTimestamp' in event['records'][0]:
return 'kinesis_firehose'
elif 'records' in event and len(event['Records']) > 0 and 'deliveryStreamArn' in event and event['deliveryStreamArn'] is str and event['deliveryStreamArn'].startswith('arn:aws:kinesis:'):
return 'kinesis_firehose'
elif 'eventType' in event and event['eventType'] == 'SyncTrigger' and 'identityId' in event and 'identityPoolId' in event:
return 'cognito_sync_trigger'
elif 'operation' in event and 'message' in event:
return 'is_mobile_backend'
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