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Paulo Coghi paulocoghi

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Task Description: Frontend Integration with Nuxt.js, Storybook, cypress for e2e and cypress studio for record interaction test flux without need to code them , and at last CI/CD Setup
In this one-week trial, developers will take an existing frontend repository built with Nuxt.js and Pinia, featuring custom components alongside others from external libraries such as Element Plus. The goal is to integrate Storybook, set up CI/CD pipelines, and perform visual regression tests using Cypress, while organizing the project following atomic design principles.
##Storybook Integration:
Developers must integrate Storybook into the Nuxt.js project using the custom module created by Chakir Qatab.
They should document and visualize as many components as possible using Storybook, ensuring a seamless interaction between custom and library-based components (Element Plus).
paulocoghi / HAR.js
Created February 4, 2020 14:40's HAR with HTTP/3 enabled
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"log": {
"version": "1.2",
"creator": {
"name": "Firefox",
"version": "72.0.1"
"browser": {
"name": "Firefox",
"version": "72.0.1"
paulocoghi / App.html
Last active March 28, 2018 15:33
Multiple components and store variables ($)
import InputAdd from './InputAdd.html'
import List from './List.html'
import { Store } from 'svelte/store.js';
paulocoghi / App.html
Created March 22, 2018 19:17
Using #each blocks with store ($) variables defined in runtime
<input bind:value='newTodo' placeholder='buy milk'>
<button on:click='push("$todos", newTodo)'>add todo</button>
{{#each $todos as todo, i}}
<button on:click='splice("$todos", i, 1)'>x</button>
paulocoghi / App.html
Created March 22, 2018 19:09
Using #each blocks with early defined variables (in data)
<input bind:value='newTodo' placeholder='buy milk'>
<button on:click='push("todos", newTodo)'>add todo</button>
{{#each todos as todo, i}}
<button on:click='splice("todos", i, 1)'>x</button>
paulocoghi / App.html
Last active March 22, 2018 19:08
Using #each blocks with variables defined in runtime
<input bind:value='newTodo' placeholder='buy milk'>
<button on:click='push("todos", newTodo)'>add todo</button>
{{#each todos as todo, i}}
<button on:click='splice("todos", i, 1)'>x</button>
paulocoghi / App.html
Last active March 28, 2018 14:24
Without multiple sub-components and store variables, everything works
<input bind:value='newTodo' placeholder='buy milk'>
<button on:click='push("$todos", newTodo)'>add todo</button>
{{#each ( $todos || [] ) as todo, i}}
<button on:click='splice("$todos", i, 1)'>x</button>
Integrate Ractive with Bootstrap Select
Usage: Include this file on your page below Ractive, e.g: