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Paulo Henrique Deléo paulodeleo

  • Curitiba - PR, Brazil
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paulodeleo / mailer_one_liner.rb
Created August 5, 2020 18:33
Rails one liner for testing email from console
class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base; def test; mail from: '[email protected]', to: '[email protected]', subject: 'Test e-mail subject', body: 'Test e-mail body'; end; end; TestMailer.test.deliver_now
paulodeleo /
Created April 20, 2019 18:23
Script to fix natural touchpad scroll direction for gnome based apps on XFCE4 (eg.: Xubuntu). A copy of
# Find the amount by doign
# synclient | grep HorizScrollDelta
# synclient | grep VertScrollDelta
# And then simply negative that value for this
# Found at
# This is because, although xubuntu 18.04 has reverse scrolling option in touchpad
# settings, it doesn't really work, the setting does not cascade to gnome apps for some reason.
synclient HorizScrollDelta=-116
paulodeleo / myDell7559.xmodmap
Created April 20, 2019 18:19
My xmodmap based keyboard key remappings for Dell 7559 on linux to use a Lenovo-like layout
!!! Load it using `xmodmap myDell7559.xmodmap` on login !!!
!!! Remaps pgup to delete !!!
keycode 112 = Delete
!!! Remaps num lock to home !!!
keycode 77 = Home
!!! Remaps numeric 7 to end !!!
keycode 79 = End
paulodeleo / Gestures.conf
Created April 20, 2019 18:12
My Gestures app config export for touch based input control of multimedia keys on Ubuntu (19.04)
# Generated by Gestures 0.2.2 -->
# Manual editing might result in data loss!
# Invalid lines
# Unsupported lines
# Swipe threshold (0-100)
paulodeleo / Default (Linux).sublime-keymap.json
Created March 20, 2018 01:16
Default (Linux).sublime-keymap
// sublime.log_input(True)
// sublime.log_commands(True)
{ "keys": ["alt+f4"], "command": "exit" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f4"], "command": "close_window" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+'"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "console", "toggle": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+keypad_divide"], "command": "toggle_comment", "args": { "block": false } },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+keypad_divide"], "command": "toggle_comment", "args": { "block": true } },
// Comment on cce notebook - linux
{ "keys": ["control+q"], "command": "toggle_comment", "args": { "block": false } }
paulodeleo / Default (Windows).sublime-keymap.json
Created March 20, 2018 01:16
Default (Windows).sublime-keymap
{ "keys": ["ctrl+tab"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"], "command": "prev_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+f11"], "command": "toggle_menu" }
paulodeleo / Preferences.sublime-settings
Created January 31, 2018 17:09
My Sublime 3 user settings
"atomic_save": false,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
"enable_tab_scrolling": false,
"font_size": 13,
"Color Highlighter",
"Pretty JSON",
paulodeleo / Links about Dell 7559 Hackintosh.txt
Last active July 6, 2021 02:04
Links about Dell 7559 Hackintosh
paulodeleo / Raspberry pi test settings.txt
Last active March 15, 2018 12:37
Raspberry pi test settings
# based on this article:
# original pi settings
vm.swappiness = 60
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 100
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_ratio = 20
# test settings
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=15