import argparse |
# this first bit is to enable multiline help text. apparently this is a known problem with argparse. |
# Solution jacked from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3853722/python-argparse-how-to-insert-newline-in-the-help-text |
import textwrap as _textwrap |
class MultilineFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): |
def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent): |
text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip() |
paragraphs = text.split('|n ') |
multiline_text = '' |
for paragraph in paragraphs: |
formatted_paragraph = _textwrap.fill(paragraph, width, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent) + '\n\n' |
multiline_text = multiline_text + formatted_paragraph |
return multiline_text |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""This is a utility to make a reveal.js slideshow from a markdown file given the template at: |
|n |
http://gist.github.com/paultopia/0c57899407aed81f6932 |
|n |
Commandline flags and such are given below. In addition, the following arguments are valid: |
|n |
Themes: black, white, league (default), sky, beige, simple, serif, blood, night, moon, solarized |
|n |
Transitions: none (default), fade, slide, convex, concave, zoom |
""", formatter_class=MultilineFormatter) |
parser.add_argument("infile", help="the markdown file containing the slideshow") |
parser.add_argument("-t", "--theme", nargs='?', default="league", help="name of theme") |
parser.add_argument("-r", "--transition", nargs='?', default="none", help="name of transition") |
parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", nargs='?', default=" ", help="filename of outfile") |
parser.add_argument("-u", "--unsafe", action="store_true", help="UNSAFE mode: overwrite output file. Off by default.") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
from os.path import isfile |
print(' ') |
print(' ') |
# validate input file |
if args.infile[-3:] != '.md': |
print(' ') |
print("You gave me an input filename without a .md extension. Appending to file.") |
theinfile = args.infile + '.md' |
else: |
theinfile = args.infile |
if not isfile(theinfile): |
raise IOError("input %s file not found" % theinfile) |
# validate output file |
if args.outfile == ' ': |
print(' ') |
print("You didn't give me an output filename. Using input filename with extension changed to html.") |
theoutfile = theinfile[0:-3] + '.html' |
elif args.outfile[-5:] != '.html': |
print(' ') |
print("You gave me an output filename without a .html extension. Appending to file.") |
theoutfile = args.outfile + '.html' |
else: |
theoutfile = args.outfile |
def lazyiter(): |
number = 0 |
while True: |
yield number |
number += 1 |
mycounter = lazyiter() |
# prevent overwriting of output file |
if not args.unsafe: |
while isfile(theoutfile): |
print(' ') |
print("You gave me an output file (%s) that already exists. Appending a number to the front to avoid overwriting." % theoutfile) |
theoutfile = str(next(mycounter)) + theoutfile |
print(' ') |
print('New file is: %s' % theoutfile) |
# check and validate themes and transitions |
validthemes = ["black", "white", "league", "sky", "beige", "simple", "serif", "blood", "night", "moon", "solarized"] |
validtransitions = ["none", "fade", "slide", "convex", "concave", "zoom"] |
thetheme = args.theme.lower() |
thetransition = args.transition.lower() |
if thetheme not in validthemes: |
raise ValueError("No theme called %s found. Valid themes are: %s." % (thetheme, ', '.join(validthemes))) |
if thetransition not in validtransitions: |
raise ValueError("No theme called %s found. Valid themes are: %s." % (thetransition, ', '.join(validtransitions))) |
commandstring = 'pandoc -t html5 --template=revealjs.html --standalone --section-divs --variable theme="%s" --variable transition="%s" %s -o %s' % (thetheme, thetransition, theinfile, theoutfile) |
print(' ') |
print('Converting %s to %s using theme %s and transition %s.' % (theinfile, theoutfile, thetheme, thetransition)) |
print(' ') |
print(' ') |
from subprocess import call |
call(commandstring, shell=True) |