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Created February 18, 2016 06:51
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Monad Transformer combining Observable and Either to handle non-determinism, async and error handling
"use strict"
var R = require("ramda");
var Sequelize = require("sequelize");
var Either = require("fantasy-eithers");
var Left = Either.Left
var Right = Either.Right
var Observable = require("rx").Observable;
var rx = require("rx");
var EitherHelpers = require("fantasy-contrib-either")
Either.fromNullable = (v, e) => {
if (v === null || v === undefined){
return Left(e)
} else {
return Right(v)
Either.fromTryCatch = (f) => {
try {
return Right(f())
} catch (e) {
return Left(e)
Either.fromTryCatch1 = (f, args) => {
try {
return Right(f(args))
} catch (e) {
return Left(e)
Observable.of = Observable.just;
Observable.prototype.chain = Observable.prototype.flatMap;
let ObservableEither = Either.EitherT(Observable);
ObservableEither.pure = function(x){
return ObservableEither(x);
Either.prototype.liftOE = function(){
return ObservableEither.pure(Observable.just(this));
Observable.prototype.liftOE = function(){
return ObservableEither.pure( => Right(v)));
Either.prototype.flatMap = Either.prototype.chain
ObservableEither.prototype.flatMap = ObservableEither.prototype.chain
Promise.prototype.liftOE = function(errorDescription){
return ObservableEither.pure(Observable.fromPromise(this).flatMap((v) => {
if (v instanceof Array){
return Observable.from(v).map((v) => Right(v))
} else {
return Observable.just(Either.fromNullable(v, errorDescription))
}).catch((e) => Observable.just(Left(e))))
Sequelize.Promise.prototype.liftOE = Promise.prototype.liftOE;
ObservableEither.prototype.reduce = function(f, seed){
return ObservableEither.pure(, seed))
ObservableEither.prototype.allRight = function(){
return this.reduce((prev, e) => {
let prevTrue = EitherHelpers.isRight(prev);
let eTrue = EitherHelpers.isRight(e);
if (prevTrue && eTrue){
return Right(true)
} else {
return Left(false)
}, ObservableEither.of(true))
ObservableEither.prototype.filter = function(f){
return this.flatMap((e) => {
if (f(e)){
return ObservableEither.of(e)
} else {
return Observable.empty().liftOE()
} = function(other, f){
return this.flatMap((e1) => {
return => {
return f(e1, e2)
Sequelize.Model.prototype.tryTo = function(){
let method = R.take(1, arguments);
let methodArgsAndError = R.drop(1, arguments);
let methodArgs = R.dropLast(1, methodArgsAndError);
let error = R.takeLast(1, methodArgsAndError)[0];
try {
return this[method].call(this, ...methodArgs).liftOE(error);
} catch (e) {
return Left(e).liftOE()
module.exports = {
ObservableEither: ObservableEither
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