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Created July 13, 2022 16:04
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Lib.JSObject where
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Data.Functor
import Data.Scientific
import Control.Lens.Internal.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Bool
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Control.Error.Util (hush)
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List
collectFromJSObject :: ByteString -> [ Text ] -> Maybe [ (Text, Value) ]
collectFromJSObject bs keys =
hush $ P.parseOnly objParser bs
objParser = do
char '{' *> skipWhile isSpace
loop keys []
{-# INLINE loop #-}
loop :: [ Text ] -> [ (Text, Value) ] -> Parser [ (Text, Value) ]
loop searchKeys foundKeys =
if null searchKeys
then pure foundKeys
else do
kv@(k, _) <- parseKVPairs <* skipWhile isSpace
c <- satisfy (\c -> c == ',' || c == '}') <* skipWhile isSpace
if k `elem` searchKeys
then loop (delete k searchKeys) (kv : foundKeys)
else case c of
',' -> loop searchKeys foundKeys
'}' -> pure foundKeys
lookupInJSObject :: ByteString -> Text -> Maybe Value
lookupInJSObject bs key = join $ hush $ P.parseOnly objParser bs
objParser = do
char '{' *> skipWhile isSpace
loop = do
(k, v) <- parseKVPairs
if k == key
then pure (Just v)
else do
skipWhile isSpace
c <- satisfy (\c -> c == ',' || c == '}') <* skipWhile isSpace
case c of
',' -> loop
'}' -> pure Nothing
{-# INLINE parseKVPairs #-}
parseKVPairs :: Parser (Text, Value)
parseKVPairs = do
key <-
char '"'
*> (takeTill (== '"'))
<* char '"'
<* skipWhile isSpace
<* char ':'
<* skipWhile isSpace
value <-
pure (TE.decodeUtf8 key, value)
{-# INLINE parseJSValue #-}
parseJSValue :: Parser Value
parseJSValue = do
c <- peekChar'
if (isDigit c || c == '-')
then Number <$> parseNumberValue
else case c of
'"' -> String <$> parseStringValue
'[' -> Array <$> parseVector
'{' -> (Object . HM.fromList . V.toList) <$> parseObject
'n' -> parseNull
't' -> parseTrue
'f' -> parseFalse
x -> fail ("Unexpected char " <> [x])
data StringParserState
= NonSpecial
| BackSlash
| Finished deriving Eq
{-# INLINE parseStringValue #-}
parseStringValue :: Parser Text
parseStringValue = fmap TE.decodeUtf8 $
char '"' -- The initial '"'
*> (fst <$> iterateUntilM ((== Finished) . snd) parseChunk (mempty, NonSpecial))
parseChunk (bs, !sps) =
case sps of
NonSpecial -> do
s <- (bs <>) <$> P.takeWhile (\(toEnum . fromEnum -> c) -> c /= '\\' && c /= '"')
anyChar <&> \case
'"' -> (s, Finished)
'\\' -> (s <> BSC8.singleton '\\', BackSlash)
BackSlash -> do
s <- (bs <>) <$> P.takeWhile ((== '\\') . toEnum . fromEnum)
(\c -> (s <> BSC8.singleton c, NonSpecial)) <$> anyChar
{-# INLINE parseNumberValue #-}
parseNumberValue :: Parser Scientific
parseNumberValue =
read . unpackStrict8 <$>
P.takeWhile (\(toEnum . fromEnum -> c) -> isDigit c || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == '-')
parseNull :: Parser Value
parseNull = Null <$ string "null"
parseTrue :: Parser Value
parseTrue = Bool True <$ string "true"
parseFalse :: Parser Value
parseFalse = Bool False <$ string "false"
{-# INLINE parseVector #-}
parseVector :: Parser (Vector Value)
parseVector =
char '[' *> go <* char ']'
go =
v <- skipWhile isSpace *> parseJSValue <* skipWhile isSpace
skipWhile isSpace
peekChar' >>= \case
',' -> char ',' *> skipWhile isSpace $> (Just (v, False))
']' -> pure (Just (v, True)))
(pure Nothing))
parseObject :: Parser (Vector (Text, Value))
parseObject =
char '{' *> go <* char '}'
go =
kv <- skipWhile isSpace *> parseKVPairs <* skipWhile isSpace
peekChar' >>= \case
',' -> char ',' *> skipWhile isSpace $> (Just (kv, False))
'}' -> pure (Just (kv, True)))
(pure Nothing))
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