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Last active September 20, 2018 01:47
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MobX Crash Course

The Observable Triad



  • Concept of reactive-data
  • Various decorators to simplify marking properties as observables
    • @observable
    • observable.ref
    • observable.shallow
  • Can be applied to objects, arrays and maps
  • Always use classes. Occassionally rely on decorate() or extendObservable()
  • Computed properties
    • Also called Derivations, Derived properties
    • Think of your reactive-data as a combination of Core Observables + Derived Observables (Computed)
    • Reactions in disguise
    • Used as decorator: @computed


  • Adds vocabulary of operations and makes it very Domain Driven
  • Transactional notifications to changes in observables
  • Most often used with decorators: @action
  • configure({enforceActions: 'never' | 'observed' | 'always'})
  • Use of runInAction(() => {}) to wrap mutations after an async call


  • These are the observers in the system.
  • Of 3 kinds: autorun(), reaction(), when()
  • Each returns a disposer which can be used to prematurely stop the observation
  • UI is modeled as reaction()


  • Long running
  • No way to select the observables explicitly
  • Selector + Effect function is combined into one
autorun(() => {
    const { name, email } = this;
    validate({ name, email }, rules);


  • Long running
  • First argument is a selector function
  • Second argument is the effect function
reaction(() => this.isComplete, () => this.notifyServer());

Options for autorun and reaction

  • delay can be used to debounce the side-effect for both autorun() and reaction()
  • More options available like name, onError, etc.


  • One time only
  • Automatically dispose after completion of side-effect
  • First argument is a predicate function
  • When it becomes true, the side-effect is executed

when() with promise

  • Used as a promise to await and run the side-effect as a continuation. Handy way to mark junctions in your logic.
async function showAlertOnExpirty() {
    await when(() => this.hasOfferExpired);

    showAlert('Offer Expired');

Other helpful tools and libraries



  • fromPromise()
  • createViewModel()


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