- untriaged wasm issues
- Try to guess which release it belongs to. If you don't know assign current.
- Assign them to specific team member. If you don't know, assign @lewing
- Known Build Errors
- if something is at 0 hits for more than a week, remove
- if something is above 5 hits per day
- add
- add it to Current drama below
- investigate yourself briefly
- add
- If it's timeout or deadlock, it may be not clear which specific test is causing it
- create PR and add
so that we learn which test method is the cause - merge it if necessary
- create PR and add
- If it's MT and it happens in speficic unit test method or class, create PR and disable it with active issue.
- Keep the Known Build Error open to confirm mitigation in next few days
- mark it with
diabled test
because of[ActiveIssue]
- Assign it to specific team member. If you don't know, assign yourself until end of your duty week
- If it was already assigned, check with assigned person about status
- Kusto queries to execute: @mkhamoyan please fill in this part
- how to get access: TODO how to join the right group
- create new "Known issue" https://helix.dot.net/BuildAnalysis/CreateKnownIssues
- set the filter to be as specific as possible, to not capture problems with different causes or on different targets
- immediately triage it as described above
- you can use one-line regex
ErrorPattern: "something.*strange"
- you can use multiple filters in and array
"ErrorMessage": ["first", "second"]
. The order must be the same as in log file. - more details here https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/main/Documentation/Projects/Build%20Analysis/KnownIssues.md
- dotnet/runtime#102040 being tested in dotnet/runtime#104734
- dotnet/runtime#104737 fixed by dotnet/runtime#104751
- dotnet/runtime#103524 improved by https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/104539/files and https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/104615/files. It probably needs bit more.
- dotnet/runtime#103520 it's not clear what we need to do. Shall we
"BuildRetry": true
- dotnet/runtime#102749 improved by dotnet/runtime#104615 which will change the the message. Hope I updated the filer just right.