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Pawan Dhananjay pawanjay176

  • Vancouver
  • 15:24 (UTC -07:00)
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yorickdowne /
Last active January 17, 2025 17:36
Pruning Geth 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x

Note: PBSS in Geth >=1.13.0 removes the need to prune manually.

Old content for reference


Geth (Go-Ethereum) as of July 2022 takes about 650 GiB of space on a fast/snap sync, and then grows by ~ 14 GiB/week with default cache, ~ 8 GiB/week with more cache.

bmwill /
Created August 21, 2019 21:34
Futures 0.3 and Async/Await


Futures 0.3 and Async/Await

This document will try to give a short tutorial of how to use the new style futures (0.3), how to use Async/Await, and how to use the compatibility layer to interoperate with old futures (0.1) and tokio.


When dealing with futures in this new world there are a lot of different parts and it can be difficult to keep things straight at times. As such here is a quick run down of the different parts and what they are.

parse / shell.c
Created May 11, 2011 07:31
Simple shell in C
/* Compile with: g++ -Wall –Werror -o shell shell.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>